Crew List archives prior to 09.09.2000

- 9/8/00
Hi, I'm a 25 yr. old Irish sailor looking for some work crewing/skippering/delivery
trips in vicinity of Asia/NZ/Oz from April/May next year. Sailing since 5 years old,
qualified instructor, race coach, Yachtmaster Offshore. Will be hiking in Asia from 1 Feb.
& can be contacted at damoATlaw.com

- 9/8/00
My name is Anna, I am 27 years old, English, and very keen to crew on a sailing boat
somewhere warm, any time from March 2001. I have recently passed my RYA Competent Crew
Course, worked for 5 months on a sailing trimarine in the BVI (8 years ago!) and am a
certified PADI Open Water scuba diver. I have minimal experience but very keen to learn. I
have spent 3 years of my life travelling, and after 2 years of London office life, need to
get out there again! I have all the time in the world. Any offers....!? Please email me at

- 9/7/00
Im a 51 year old owner of a 33 ft Hunter who has sold his business, is taking a
couple of years off, and is looking for crew opportunities during Jan-Mar, 2001. Im
a good intermediate/advanced with experience in navigation, motor repair, cooking, and
about everything else sailing. My boat is on Lake Michigan. Im available to sail
about anywhere, anytime after January 1, 2000. Im 59", 185 lbs and love
to bonefish if you happen to be going to the Caribbean. Contact

- 9/7/00
18 yr old male seeking work on any sailing vessel, indeffinate amount of time.
Experienced sailor, I have been sailing since I was a baby. Highly trained SCUBA diver
studying marine biology. crewed 28' 47' 50' 60'sailed fresh water and salt, Atlantic coast
and Caribbean. Some small engine experience. Easy to get along with and eager to get back
on the water. Contact Jmcl7740ATpostoffice.uri.edu

- 9/6/00
He- Canadian,24, Professional wilderness guide, Advanced First Aid, Fit, Trim,
Experience on a N.M 40 Racing class 1 as delivery and race crew for the 99 season in the
Caribbean, B.V.i's, C.O.R.T, and rolex.
She- Canadian,27, Ex- Government ministerial assistant now law Student, Great cook,
Advanced S.C.U.B.A, interested in Marine Biology and fluent in French
Both Non-Smokers, Social Drinkers, Looking for either a Laid back cruiser or High
service environment to spend the winter. We are a hard working, Fit, Fast, Dynamic couple
who love the sea.
Please contact us at
or phone until Oct 1 1-604-788-4866 if
you are interested or would like a copy of our C.V's

- 9/6/00
Looking for FEMALE-Crew -companion/experience not important/ for world trip started
from Mediter.-Spain -37 feet sailing ketch-contact--

- 9/6/00
hi my name is Kimi. looking to sail home to the U.k from Australia or go on a jolly to
the polynesian Islands, Indonesia, N.Z. - wherever. Am travelling with boyfreind who is
doing yachtmaster. Have done a bit of sailing up in the whitsundays and down around Sydney
and acrosss the west in Fremantle ,west australia.Also keen to sail in the northern
hemisphere. Cheers. kimi_catAThotmail.com

- 9/5/00
Dear Sir/Lady,
Hi! MY name is Chris Frohling and I'm interested in a crewing job on the Maine/ Rhode
Island coast. Recently I was aboard the Angeligue for 6 days. I learned many things about
sailing on that trip. I am interested in crewing for 4-6 weeks in the summer. Most likely
next summer the summer of 2001. I know things about sailing from washing the dishes to
putting the sails up. I am 13 turning 14 in October. So i will be 14 going to be 15 next
summer. I am 5'8" if it makes a difference. I am very interested and i'm a hard
worker no matter whatever it is. Please contact me if you are intereseted at
Gromdude33ATaol.com or
Sincerely, Chris Frohling

- 9/5/00
Hello. My name is Chris and I would like to be a crew for 3-5 weeks on a sailboat in
Maine. Maybe a windjammer sailboat. This summer I was aboard the Angelique for 4 days. It
was a great experence. I learned a lot about sailing and being a crew member from the crew
on this sailboat. Next summer if I could i would like to be crew on a beatiful sailboat. I
know how to do things on a sailboat from washing the dishes to putting the sails up. IF
anyone is interested in e-mailing me. My e-mail address Gromdude33ATaol.com or
Skip2333ATaol.com. THank you for reading and hope to see you aboard your sailboat soon.
Sincereley, Chris Frohling
p.s. IF it makes a difference i'm 5'11"

- 9/4/00
Captain available EAST coast US and ?(motor yachT) Landline: 954-941-9627 Email:

- 9/4/00
Hello My name is Cary Emmick my phone number is 909-766-9784. I am seeking a full time
cook position off sore exp. withcrews from 8 to 125 ready to sail again!!!

- 9/3/00
Dear Lady / Sir :
My name is Rodrigo , Im 24 years old. Im currently in Malta , but Im from Uruguay. Im
looking for a job in a yacht , as navigator or deckhand. For deliveries , long or short
travel, or to take care of the boat in berth. It could be anywhere . I have 3 years
experience in navigation and watch keeping , 1 and a half as deck officer apprentice , and
1 and a half as 2nd deck officer in fishing vessels. I have not experience working with
engines or sails . I have did the I.M.O courses ( STCW 95 ) at the Uruguayan Naval
Academy. Documents available. I speak spanish and english .I have a good education and
cult . Im calm and good aspect. I do not smoke or drink. You can contact me by e-mail
RRAGCATYAHOO.COM I check everyday. Thank you for your attention.

- 9/3/00
- 9/2/00
Capt. Marc Experienced Captain Master Mariner Unlimited No Restriction STCW-95
DiveMaster Currently in Miami call 305-856-0964 or e-mail marcATscubadiving.com

- 9/2/00
Email Chris Morrison at :

- 9/2/00
Dear loveys 19yr old man/god (uk) seeking 6-12months+ work crewing on anything with a
mast, little previous experience, but enough to work on enthusiastic,
competent and capable. possibilitys? e-mail me at
. yours swimmingly

- 9/2/00
Alexei Rufin Ostrovskogo St. # 47-46 Sochi Krasnodar Region 354000 Russia e-mail:
tel. (862-2)923995
I'm looking for a position of a Seaman, Chief Mate.
QUALIFICATION Dealt with an anchor, mooring and towing mechanism, operated cargo
winches, used fire-prevention equipment and vessel life guarding equipment, skilled in
boat rowing fulfilled rigging, carpentry, painting and other vessel works, carried out
vessel cargo, stood watch while the vessel has been in motion and at stopping place.
1999 April - present Chief mate of the diving boat
1990 Qualified as Boatswain, Sochi, Russia.
1988 - 1990 Qualified as 1-st Class Seaman. Transferred to motor ship "Mikhail
Svetlov" as 1-st Class Seaman, Sochi, Russia.
1987 - 1988 Qualified as 2-nd Class Seaman. Transferred to motor ship "Mikhail
Svetlov" as 2-nd Class Seaman, Sochi, Russia.
EDUCATION ROSTOV MARINE COLLEGE, 1995 for class technitian-navigator,
Rostov, Russia.
COURSES OF ABLE SEAMAN, 1995, Novorossiisk, Russia.
Special English Secondary Scool (with teching some subjects in English),
PERSONAL Born 5 February 1967 in Yekaterinburg (former Sverdlovsk), Russia. Not
married. Speak English fluently.

- 9/2/00
Hi, my Name is Mike Roesemann,currently I am emplyed as Chief Engineer on a Riverboat
Casino in the Midwestern USA and I am holding a USCG Chief Engineers License of unlimited
Horsepower.I would like to do a Career Change and might even consider working for a
private Yacht owner.My knowledge of Engine Types is very large also other expieriences and
Training.I'm fluent in foreign Languages which consists of german,english and french,I
also operate Computers.You can contact me via e-mail at
or write
to my Adress at 9074 Braxton Drive,Union,Ky.41091 USA or call me at 606-384-7961

- 9/1/00

- 9/1/00
If you are in need of crew, please contact me. I am presently in Central America -
Costa Rica, Panama area.
Liz kruger seaslug7ATyahoo.com

- 9/1/00
Dear sir/madam, I am Nisha Liyanage (24 years) from Srilanka holding class 3(deck
officer) licence including GMDSS,having 14 months sea experiance as a deck cadet officer.
If you have vacantcies please Email to: l_nishaATeudoramail.com

- 9/1/00
My name evitha zulancha Ogi. I'm 28 years old. I'm looking for a job as crew or any
kind possition while I'm in Perth.I will be in Perth on 5 december 2000. I'm college
graduated education in Bali. But I would like to have experience working on the boat. If
you interesting please Email me ; ogi.evithaATeudoramail.com
Thank you Evitha Ogi bali,Indonesia.

- 8/31/00
To whom it may concern
I am seeking employment as captain or mate. My experience in management operations
maintenance and repair on boats to over 100 ft is extensive. I would be happy to accept a
position as captain or mate, according to your requirements.
Also: · I do not smoke · I am in good physical condition clean, and neat I prefer to
maintain my surroundings in the same way. · My attitude is always positive and goal
oriented. · I am willing to apply myself and prove my value on board.
Sincerely Capt. Gary Goulart
Captain Gary John Goulart PO Box KF Pacific Grove Ca. 831-372-1882 Licensed skills
Limited Merchant Marine Master- 100 tons 100 miles offshore License #19801 since 1974.
PADI dive master- certified diver since 1974 FAA private pilot -since 1981 AWS certified
welder FCC Marine Radio Operator Education Graduated Pacific Grove High School -1974
Monterey Peninsula College 1975, 1979 Welding via Hartnell College General skills
Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair of- Marine Diesel Engines- Including Caterpillar,
GM Allison, Volvo, Cummins, Leman, Onan, Yanmar, Perkins. 110 / 220
VAC- 12, 24, 32, VDC-
Marine electrical systems Steel and Stainless steel- Fabrication and welding Marine
related systems- Auto pilots, engine gauges/ alarm systems, water makers, marine drive
trains, propeller shaft bearings/ alignment, v drives, cable rod and hydraulic steering,
pumps, rigging, heating/cooling, wood working, refrigeration, and marine electronics.
Operations, Repair, and Maintenance as Captain of Documented USCG inspected passenger
vessels while engaged in -Fishing, whale / bird watching, sport / commercial scuba diving,
scientific research / hydrographic survey in association with the navy postgraduate
school, and underwater hazard survey, offshore oil industry Gulf of Mexico. Operations,
Repair, and Maintenance as Captain of uninspected vessels while engaged in -Coastal
transport, boat handling instruction, fishing, offshore construction support. Towing-
Which includes visiting ship services, underwater/surf salvage. Barge towing and
commercial diving support. Management, Operations, Repair, and Maintenance as Captain of
Private and Corporate Yachts while engaged in- Coastal transport, fishing, diving, and
private parties. Computer literate -Familiar with windows 98, Microsoft works, word 2000,
and Internet.
References or letters of recommendation are available upon request.

- 8/31/00
I am a 21 yearold nonsmoking hard working male. I am looking for an experence of a
life-time. I am very mechanically inclined and I work well with others. I am capable of
being anywhere, anytime but have limited funds for travel expenses.

- 8/31/00
I am a complete novice looking for a job as a cook. I am looking for help to get me
started. Where to go, what to do, how to do it..... Please help with any tips you have.
Thank you, fullonjoeATwebtv.net

- 8/31/00
Hi, We are a qualified chef and front of house manager. As a married couple we are
looking for a catering position on a private yacht. We both have extensive hospitality
experience in renowned Sydney Restaurants as well as intermediate sailing experience.
Please contact us via leoATstudent.usyd.edu.au

- 8/30/00
I am a 36 year old girl with a sense of adventure, day skipper but a bit rusty, looking
for a two week holiday crewing in the med. Please contact me on
Thanks Jane

- 8/30/00
Dear Sir I am A.C.M. milhan from sri lanka,I have completed Nautical course in
university of moratuwa sri lanka.And aiso I have the c.o.c of 2nd mate (class,3)including
GMDSS and all basic and advance short courses and 14 months sea experience. If you have
suitable vaconcies please call me. Tthank you E-male,

- 8/29/00
NEED CREW I need a crew member Sail Coos Bay OR. to Mexico .Depart Oct. first 2000
E-mail Mike at lfamilyATwa.freei.net

- 8/29/00
My name is Cudalbu Eugen I am from Romania and I am 31 old> I gratuated 4 years of
High Nautical School and I am motorman.I have 10 years experience at sea (including the
passenger vessel) I have valid passp. seaman book certification of motorman and STCW
certification international recognized.I am looking for a engineer job on the any power
yacht. my e mail is simionovtlATyahoo.com

- 8/29/00
Josef Fenech (27) and Maryann Vella (24) both from Malta wish to work together as crew
on a passanger boat big or small. Previous experience both as stewards on Princess
Both very fluent in English and Italian. Do you have any vacancies?
e-mail: jfenechATmultigas.com
Address:"Melody", Triq in-Narcis, San Gwann,
Malta Tel: 00356 376811

- 8/28/00
Skipper & 1st Mate seeking 75'-100' motor yacht located in the Med.Have 30 yrs.
maritime experience & valid 100 ton USCG license. Harbormaster of San Francisco 25
years.World wide sailing experience from Fiji to Cap Ferrat, Pago Pago to Port o' Spain.
US citizens.Speak french.Excellent Cooking and bartending skills. 1st mate: professional
nanny, seamstress and cook. Resumes upon request.Available April 2001. Capt.Harry
< har-tinaATmaudsquad.com

- 8/28/00
Dear Sir I am n.p.p.liyanage from sri lanka,I have completed Nautical course in
university of moratuwa sri lanka.And aiso I have the c.o.c of 2nd mate (class,3)including
GMDSS and all basic and advance short courses and 14 months sea experience. If you have
suitable vaconcies please call me. thank you E-male,

- 8/27/00
CREW & WORK OFFERED - Immediately I have purchased a 1898 Classicc 53 foot Colin
Archer. She was owned by Sir Thomas Lipton as a viewing vessel for the Americas Cup in the
1800's. She has won 4 Transatlantic Yacht Races and has appeared in several well known
books. She is made of teak and mahogany and has a 7.5 foot draught. She is a gaff cutter.
She needs ALOT of work done on her inside (her hull was redone along with her rigging two
years ago and is excellent) in terms of restoring all her teak interior and repolishing it
all. Her deck needs restripping and sanding and her hull needs a repaint (having been in
the water for two years). All in all there is a good 6 months work on her full time. AFTER
THIS she will be going on a 8 month world cruise. I am after willing and capable people to
assist in the workload and future crew for this vessel. Workers would be offered
accomodation, food and a small allowance whilst here plus travel expenses to get to New
Zealand whilst working on her. Anyone interested email me at

- 8/27/00
looking for informaiton on obtaining my 100 ton captains licence. email:

- 8/27/00
I am a SOUTH - AFRICAN male;32 years old studied law and business managment;I have 19
years experience in marlin fishing and sportfishing. I have skippers lisence for
motoryachts with very good experience on boats;marine equipment ;sales ;service and
international fishing.I will complete my offshore yacht skippers lisence by OCTOBER
2000.Looking for a position on a boat or yacht as a mate or deckhand.Complete CV
available.E mail sampiebATworldonline.co.za

- 8/26/00
My name Evitha Z Ogi. I'm interested in finding a possition a boat sailing vessel in
Perth. I would consider a fulltime possition as either deckhand or fulltime any kind
possition. In November I have a plan to go to Perth.And I've been there before for a
month. Thank you.Please contack me ogi.evithaATeudoramail.com

- 8/25/00
Hi I am Geoffrey Zachariah from India . I have a very successfu track record in the Sea
CruiseIndusry, as YEOMAN / Administraive side. I have a valid 5 yearsUS C1/D Visa too.
Kindly mail me if there is any suitable post availale for me......
My Email Id is .........
Best Regards, Geoff

- 8/25/00
dear sir. I am sandun from sri lanka. I have "DOT" class 3, marine
engineering certificate ,and also 3 year sea experiance in merchent ships. If you have any
vaconcies, call me. E-MAIL wadfernandoATeudoramail.com

- 8/24/00
my name is martin bragagnolo ,i am from argentina,exacly from mar del plata a beach
city in the atlantic coast where i sail a lot .i have good sailing experience .right now i
am in u.s.a and i plan to go to europe in sept. 2000 so if you need crew
...i am looking
for a boat to sail the mediterranean sea. i could be crew or even maintenance.please
contact me if you need a hard worker.thank you and good winds! my e-mail is:

- 8/24/00
Hi there I am looking to sail out of Cyprus anytime before 5th October 2K. Three years
sea-going but not much yachting experience. Commercial Diver, Enthusiastic and not afraid
to work. Willing to contribute to food etc. Contact me at

- 8/24/00
Greetings! I am a Canadian sailor with Master's certificate. British-trained, long
experienced with almost every type of ship and cargo. Also long-distance boat delivery;
recent Florida to Lake Champlain, NY with 40-foot sloop. Very flexible, reliable and
reasonable, non-smoker. For more details contact me by 'phone at (450)698-0492 near
Montréal, Canada, or < larryelliston57AThotmail.com

- 8/24/00
I am looking to be a mate on any sailing vessel leaving the united states to
criuse. I
am 21 years old with experience. I am an excellent mechanic, carpenter, and a terrific
problem solver. I am easy going,and good natured, as well as hard working.

- 8/24/00
I plan to depart Newport, RI in May, 2001 to circumnavigate Newfoundland, then head for
the Caribbean in the fall. Looking for an experienced, fit, NS, 45-50's, good sense o'
humor to cruise for 12 mos. I'm early 60's, been sailing 35 years, have a well-found 36'
heavy displacement ketch. Interested? quinjATix.netcom.com

- 8/23/00
I am a 25 year old commercial diver looking to gain sailing experience. Will have to
leave Cyprus by plane if I don't get to sail to anywhere before October 6. I am not fussy,
very fit, ready to healp with any rennovations, have plenty of free time on my hands and
looking to make some friends and sail for the next few months at least. Minimal sailing
experience, but fast learner and enthusaistic. Contact me asap at
you need a hand. Prepared to contribute financially for food etc. Zenon Van Deventer

- 8/23/00
Scots marine engineer 2nd cl, Canadian/UK foreign and great lake
freighters,20yrs.Florida yachts 5yrs. seek position on motor yacht.Excellant refs.

- 8/23/00
Need a crew member Depart Seattle week of oct.1 st. 2000 For southern Mexico This could
work into a long term world cruise, for you. or just sail the lage south. Email me Ken at

- 8/23/00
Mad keen sailor from down under, looking to spread his sails and see some of this
great world !!
Name: Brendan Brown
Age: 24yrs
Experience: Dinghy racing, keel boat racing, offshore racing, offshore cruising
What I want: Paid charter work anywhere in the world
Contact: Brendan Brown 4/3 Greenway St PERTH WA 6000 AUSTRALIA

- 8/22/00
The company I'm working for is going out of business. This is in fact, a godsend. I am
looking for crew positions on an offshore sail trip. All of my experience is with inshore
cruising (boats up to 53') and racing (Hobie Cats, dinghys, keelboats). I am well-read, a
good conversationalist, and am good at being quiet too. I have degrees in Physics and
Philosophy, but physical labor (6'2" 200Lbs) is no stranger to me. Email:

- 8/22/00
My name is Criclevit Florentin.I am 33 years of age and Iam from Romania.I am a
motorman with 13 years experience and I am interested for a job.My e-mail address is:

- 8/21/00
Looking for a job as crew on a boat from Sydney after the Olympic games end in early
October. WOuld look to ultimately get back to the USA.
Patrick Grady patgradyAThotmail.com

- 8/21/00

- 8/20/00

- 8/20/00
My name is Jean Depelteau, would be available to crew on a voyage, have 5 years
sailing experience including a voyage from Lake Champlain Vt to Luperon in DR.
I would be available at the end of October 2000 too review a crew position. I am
presently between Toronto and Calgary completing a Project management contract
I can be reached at
, jdepelteATatcanada.ca ,
or on a cell phone at 416-919-2704
Looking forward to hearing from all

- 8/20/00
I am a recent college graduate with a degree in biology who is looking for any way to
spend some time on the ocean. My sailing experience consist of several bareboating trips
with my family in the San Juan Islands. I have also salined on San Francisco Bay and spent
lots of time on small boat in lakes. Any entry level crew postion will do. email:
Phone#: 707-937-0660

- 8/18/00
Experienced, Dinghy and offshore yacht crew looking for crew position on a Sailing
vessel in the Med. Available time January, 2001-August, 2002. References and Sailing CV
upon request.
email: sxsergATwm.edu Thanks, Sophia Serghi and Vincent McDermott P.S. We would be able
to fly anywhere to join a vessel. Vincent is a fabulous cook as well as sailor and Sophia
is a fantastic entertainer as well as agile sailor! Awaiting offers.

- 8/17/00
I am a college-educated, active sailor with much near shore experience. I have
extensive maritime search and rescue experience. Skills include: power-boat handling,
coastal navigation, charts and piloting, anchoring, docking, and many other general
seamanship skills. The ideal situation would involve working for a recreational boater who
has limited experience with the skills I have listed above. I am also looking to crew on
offshore cruises. I am willing to work for paid compensation or the opportunity to gain
offshore sailing experience. I prefer to offer my services as part-time, weekend help.
Cruises of longer duration might be possible. Chesapeake/Delaware Bay/Jersey shore area.

- 8/16/00
I am currently seeking a position, for full or part time, long or short-term,
employment in the maritime field. I will consider any offers for employment possibilities
including shipboard Captain/skipper/mate positions, deliveries (or will assist), charters,
cruising, liveaboard (on private or corporate, motor or sailing vessels), maintenance,
supervisory or sales. I have been an avid boater and I prefer working in a position on,
near or related to the water.
I desire a paid position, however because my near coastal, ocean, offshore experience
is somewhat limited, I am willing to offer my services in return for less compensation to
further my sea time. I am also willing to work, short term, for accommodations and board,
if the vessel and the voyage will benefit my credentials. I would need to know the details
of the vessel size, equipment, and specific details of what duties I would be expected to
perform. I would expect to be furnished with a round trip ticket from Palatine, Illinois.
I have a USCG 50-Ton Master License with Commercial Assistance Towing and Auxiliary
Sailing Endorsements. I am a US Sailing Certified Instructor and have been working the
last two seasons as sailing Instructor and Branch Director for a well-respected sailing
school. I taught sailing to beginners and tested experienced sailors for US Sailing
Keelboat Certification. I enjoy teaching and can do on-board instruction for new and
experienced owners.
I have more than 23 years of freshwater cruising, racing, chartering and delivery
experience on the Great Lakes. My experience has given me a background in many areas of
seamanship skills, from deckhand, navigator, mechanic, and instructor to Captain.
Having operated, supervised the operation of, sailed, raced, and owned a variety of
vessels, to 50', has given me exposure to working on different types of vessels. I have
acquired the skills to maintain vessels appropriately and have knowledge about the rigging
of sailboats. I have mechanical aptitude and experience of basic, marine mechanical,
electrical and plumbing, on related boat equipment and have done minor work and
maintenance on inboard and outboard marine engines, gasoline and diesel powered vessels.
I am a dependable, dedicated, reliable, professional, who is disciplined, uses good
judgement and, common sense. My past employment has given me communication and supervisory
skills; I am experienced in heavy weather, and remain safety conscious and adaptable to
most conditions. I am a non-smoker, college educated, computer literate, and healthy, have
my own health insurance, and I am a US citizen with a passport.
If you require further information or wish to contact me, please inquire to:
Dennis M. Breski 903 N. Sanborn Dr. Palatine, IL 60067-4040 Tel (847) 776-0056 Fax:
(847) 776-1237 E-mail: captain4hireATameritech.net

- 8/15/00
We are looking for a couple to crew a 50+ charter catamaran in the Caribbean from
November to May and US East coast from June to September. Expected 16-22 charter weeks per
year, 6 weeks for maintenance,vacation time, and rest of the year sailing with owner.
English speaking, Spanish and French a plus. Must have some experience in chartering 4 to
8 guests. Large catamaran sailing experience highly recommended. She is being totally
refitted. Start working very soon. References required. Please send CV and salary asked to

- 8/14/00
Hello my name is Tim and I am looking for a jobs as crew on a charter sailboat some
place warm around the Carribean. I have four years of sailing experience on large
schooners 135ft and 70+ft. I can be reached via email at

- 8/14/00
what qualifications do I need to be a chief officer/mate? I however have alot of
experience but no qualifications.

- 8/13/00
Hi my name is stuart i am looking for work either as a small boat captain or 1st mate 2
mate position on larger boats or even something on the diving side i am a dive and nitrox
instructor ai hold a class5 captain ticket looking for boat anywhere i can be contacted by
e mail on stuart_carter34AThotmail.com

- 8/12/00
Married couple looking for unpaid crew positions. We have extensive overseas travel
experience, but are new to the cruising world. We're comfortable on the water (we work in
the whitewater rafting industry here in Colorado and are both PADI dive masters), Karen's
36 and I'm 30. We're keen to learn, can both cook and can work our butts off when
necessary! Drop me a line if you'd like to get to know us better. Good luck! Regards, Eric
and Karen Young
email: emy6275ATyahoo.com
Phone: (719)395-4030

- 8/12/00
israeli couple 30 years old, orly and shai both skippers intermidiate experiance world
traveled and have good hands doing everything on board. do you have an interesting
adventure/job for us ? e. mail : shaisimonATyahoo.com

- 8/12/00
I'have 2nd mate certificate . nationality JORDANIAN. E.mail:

- 8/11/00
I'm looking for cheif Mate experiance.All my certificates are valid including GMDSS.My
present assignment is 1st mate on a 4 masted Schooner(GRT.2000).For further information
please contact: walterlushAThotmail.com

- 8/11/00
2nd mate, 36 years, russian, all papers are ready (including GMDSS). Seagoing
experience 12 years - fishing and naval vessels. English fluent. Any papers on demand.
Please contact e-mail: dizhoATmail.ru

- 8/11/00
AB, 35 years, russian, all papers are ready. Seagoing experience 12 years - fishing
and naval vessels. English good. Any papers on demand. Please contact

- 8/11/00
Hello Folks...My name is Alan Block- I am in the midst of what may or may not be a
circumnavigation. Serving as first mate aboard sloop Samantha JANE (38ft.
Experienced in DC, diesel, I cook breakfast and fish (and I catch fish, when luck is with
me) have all gear and knowledge necesary for any voyage anywhere (but I don´t like water
too cold to swim in). Have been a store manager, have been a lawyer, have been a baker and
the sea beats ´em all. e-mail me if you have an interesting proposition. Am currently in
Gibraltor working as diver for Marina and temporary gig for Gibraltor Sailing Center
(great place to pick up your yachtmaster or dayskipper tickeT)

- 8/11/00
Pedro Pinto e-mail -
Marine Deck Officer with experience in
cruise line. languages - Portuguese, English, French all international certificates
required issued by the Portuguese Maritime authorities.

- 8/10/00
Hi, My name is Ron and i am interested in finding a group of people that will be
sailing the carribean this fall or winter that needs one more person. am willing to pay my
fair share and work my fair share.any where between one and six weeks, the longer the
better. My e-mail address is rgardnerATerols.com
. my phone is 410-295-9674. thank you. This
has been a dream of mine for long time

- 8/10/00
A land lubber no longer I long to be. I desperately need a release from the choking
London air. Have done plenty of sailing before. 19 yrs old, high spirited (enough to make
tea endlessly), able to get on with anything, Prometheus, Krakens, Moby Dicks
I need press-ganging urgently Thankyou Alex West. Pimlico.

- 8/9/00
E-MAIL sh3250ATyahoo.com
Or chezATfuturegtn.co.za
Dear future Employer
I am a fit 33yr old South African male. PLease contact me for copies of diplomas
certificates and references. I am a NAUI Scuba Instructor and have recently completed a
Career Sail Training Course with the Ocean Sailing Academy in Durban
S.A. I
have varied dive experience from fresh water quarries, to drift boat diving at Aliwal
Shoal. Small boat experience varies from inland sailing dinghies to surf launching of 12
man dive boats. As for larger yachts I only have app. 800nm to my name at the moment. I am
st. Johns ambulance first aid trained as well as an ASHI first aid instructor.
I have experience in general maintenance, to welding, carpentry, electrics and even
diesel attendant. I am not afraid of book work and am computer literate. Thank you for
taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I
will be an asset to your charter / dive operation.
Shaun Harris

- 8/9/00
CONTACT ADDRESS: ifairyAThotmail.com
I am a 22 year old South African female,looking to crew on a charter boat. I am a
qualified chef with two years cooking experience in restaurants and hotels and six months
experience abored the Grand Oasis, a charter boat in the British Virgin Islands.We took 12
guests out for one week - 10 days.Only ever recieving positive praise and having alot of
fun aswel , I am very keen to work on another yacht/power boat. I pride myself on original
and tasty cuisine, I have a modern flair when it comes to the presentation of my food.
I get on well with guests and crew respectfully. Having alot of experience in the
hospitality industry I feel I would be an asset on any boat.
C.V. available on request. I will be flying to london on the 18 of august and
available to work A.S.A.P Your Faithfully
Colleen Joseph

- 8/7/00
I am an 18 year old female, looking to crew on a yacht from Febuary to June/ July 2001.
At the moment I am working towards my RYA Day Skipper award and currently have over 1000
miles under my belt. I am a hard worker, easy to get on with and I have a good sense of
humour. email: ktweedaleAThotmail.com

- 8/6/00
Yacht Kuan-Ti, Paladin 117 [40ft] fast sail cruiser, at present on north coast of spain
enrroute to Palma Majorca for mi Sep. Looking for experienced sail member
[f.preferred] to
join asap. Skipper Dev O'Neill on [spanish mob 0034656439102] or Dad on
mob]07773758403 for lataest info. crew to contribute to food and own travel

- 8/5/00
looking to sail. I have an understanding girlfriend and two free months from the
6/9/2000. Looking to join a yacht anywhere on the globe, Preferring the Mediterranean. I'm
a 27 years old law student on my summer break. I hold a skipper license, an experienced
diver and a medic. I have little sailing experience, but I'm a quick learner and a hard
worker. I'm a non smoker (but others smoking doesn't bother me), lite drinker,very
fit,very easy going and also can cook a little. For more details, e-mail me -
od_anATmaabarot.org.i l. Thanks for your time,

- 8/4/00
My name is Scott Hustins. I just graduated from Saint Mary's University, in Halifax,
Nova Scotia, with Marine related Geography. I have been sailing for many years. I'm 26
years old and looking for a boat to crew on. Right now the location is not important. I
have offshore experince, and currently work for a yacht service company, servicing all
repair needs. I'am a very personable person, and love to meet and work with new people. I
believe I would be an asset to any boat, and would like to hear from you. email-

- 8/4/00
salamandra 63ft alloy sloop leaving from cyprus in nov for red sea cruise till april
looking for adventurous people to share 4 month voyage to egypt sudan eritrea and back.
share expenses $30/day svsalamandraATnetscape.net

- 8/3/00
Seek Female mate for long term 5 to ten year cruising 24 to 45 I,m lightly Disabled but
well experianced. I have a 42 ft. sloop ocean vet. looking for long term relationship.you
must like to sail, travel,and able to have even temperment,happy with the fun of life,
must enjoy being frugel and able to live on a tight buget. personal habbits of reading,
swiming, diving, and just enjoying anchoring and the slow life of travel helpful. non
smoker, openminded, happy with a nice smile . looking for a sail mate. Cptn Ken
lfamilyATwa.freei.net try the L lower case

- 8/2/00
Hello my name is Ernie I have a 45ft ketch in annapolis Md Iam looking for two people
two crew and live onboard as repair's in preperation for a long cruise around the world if
you have interest in this sort of stuff drop me a line at
expeirience not a requirement as I have a couple of other sailboats to learn on Thanks for
your interest.

- 8/2/00
I am 38, fit and capable w/13yrs sailing on Lake Superior and some ocean exp. in the
Carribean. I'm looking for a crew position starting on about 12/8/00 and am available
through 4/2001. I am willing to go just about anywhere as long as it's reasonably warm. I
can provide a resume and references upon request. If you have anything available for that
time or part of it please contact me at cvatseaAThotmail.com
. Please note, anyone looking
for a "romantic" thing, I'm not. Please consider this in responding to this ad.

- 8/2/00
We are an American (Reid) and French (Laurence) couple--both bi-lingual--who would like
to meet and interview couples who would be interested in joining us on the longest voyage
in history. To learn more about our plans, see our web site, www.1000days.net (scroll to
the bottom of the home page for general info., then use the buttons at the top for further
details). Also, please see the August 2000 issue of CRUISING WORLD magazine which features
an article about our most recent voyage. Our plan is to have a "trial run" to
get to know one another, departing this winter from NYC to Los Angeles and back (with
stops along the way). We may be contacted by phone at 212/414-4891 or by e-mail (please
include your phone number in case our links aren't compatible). We look forward to
speaking with adventureous couples who love living on the sea.

- 8/2/00
I'm looking a job on the boat as a crew. My name is Evitha Zulancha Ogi
But I'm living in bali.I'm still single.I've been woorking in some of hotel in Bali and
working on the boat for e few month .I'm 28 years old.For any further information please
replay my email asap Please give me your details information Tank you for your
cooperation. I'm looking forward your replay. Best regards, Evitha zulancha Ogi My
passport no ;09560 email address : ogi.evithaATeudoramail.com
Mobile phone :62-361-0818360401

- 7/31/00
ALOHA! I am looking for possible employment upon a sailing vessel. I have minimal
sailing experience but I am a hard worker and a quick learner. My goal is to eventually
sail the world. I'm 23 years old and am currently a white water rafting guide in Maine. My
name is D, I have a passport and could be ready to sail in a matter of days. :-) email me
at dicyrAThotmail.com .

- 7/31/00
dear sir/madame our name is Daniel and Florin Michael and we are two brothers living
in Malta .We are locking for a job regarding a stewardand a chief mate, my self Daniel i
have experience like a restaurant manager in a five star stars hotels in Maltaand my
brother Florin have experiencelike deckhand,chief mate M/Y
Rosenkavalier,M/Y Princess Lauren,M/Y Princess Tania
if you are interesting adress Victory street 167,Senglea,Malta Tel 00356 661516
e-mail adress Florin_MichaelATyahoo.com

- 7/31/00
Crew needed for a passage from the Seychelles to Turkey stating middle of August and
ending the middle of October. Jeanneau 52 ft. Sun Fast. You pay airfare and I will take
care of the rest. Contact Jack wavebustrATaol.com

- 7/30/00
Hi. We are a married, mature couple looking for both a boat and a crew! We are
inexperienced in Marine employment but at a point in our lives where we want something
different. If you are willing to train two energetic, hard working people, give us a call!
Thank you, Mark and Lynn mattix mwmattixATyahoo.com

- 7/30/00
Hi, I'm Stewart Armitage. I'm 24, competent crew, am fit and strong and looking for
crewing opportunities anywhere. I have sailed on tall ships and have done night sailing as
part of this. I'm not afraid of hard work so contact me if you're interested. Email

- 7/29/00
Professional captain with engineering background ,available for yacht delivery ,
instructions and short term contracts for private owners, commercial,dealers and brokers.
Over 25yrs of practical experiance as captain on many private and charter yachts as
supervisor of new constructed boats and refits. Available for shipyard supervision and
delivery voyages anywhere in the world., extensive worldwide experience in deliveries,
charters, private cruising. miran.debeljakATamis.net
tel.:++386 1 4344614 Feel free to contact me .

- 7/28/00
My name is John Layton. I am 27 years of age and presently living in Ottawa, Canada. I
am interested in becoming a crew member on a vessel for 1 or 2 months. I am flexible as to
the departure date and place. I have lots of racing experience, but have yet to take an
offshore voyage and want the experience. I am very reliable, easy-going, fit, and can be
reached at: john_laytonAThotmail.com

- 7/27/00
Attn: Eric Young and Karen -- We received your e-mail but our systems are incompatible
and we have been unable to send you a return. Please call us at 212/414-4891. Thanks! Reid
Stowe and Laurence Guilleum

- 7/26/00
Cal 25 slipped in san diego I can offer unlimited use of my well outfitted boat in
exchange for light maintenance and any assistance we can agree on for the slip fees. The
only other requirement is dont sink it Email tikadogATyahoo.com
or call (619)990-7491. By the way I will be sailing the Med with friends till 8/12/00 so
dont be discouraged if you dont hear right back from me.

- 7/26/00
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am presently a student of law at London University, England looking for summer
I am TEFL qualified, and have attached my CV which outlines my work experience. I have
experience in accounting, office management and sales due to my work at the European
Branch of the US company Thermacore Inc., and experience in administration, fund-raising
and teaching English as a result of my work with a UN aid for refugees organisation in
Cairo, Egypt. I have completed courses in IT: Office Applications and am quite familiar
with most office computing systems. I have further experience in teaching graduate
students English in Cairo, and European students in Scotland. I am well travelled and am
interested in experiencing work in the travel industry. I am enthusiastic and
hard-working, as well as eager to learn about different societies and cultures.
Please contact me if you are interested in my application.
Best regards Zoe de Courcy Wheeler
Name: Zoë de Courcy Wheeler Address: The Manor House Chillingham Alnwick
Northumberland NE66 5NP England Tel/Fax: 00 44 1668 215 314 Mobile: Britain (07946 400667)
E-mail: zscdcwATaol.com

- 7/26/00
My name is Bill Boudreau. I am 38 yrs of age. I have lived all over the world,
including Madagascar, The Mediterranian, Switzerland, Africa, while traveling with my
father, who is a retired U.S. Gov't Diplomat. I have roughed it in the Congo, and also
enjoyed Bermuda, etc. I am interested in becoming a crew member on a vessel that sails the
world, or Europe. I am very reliable, hard-working, very fit and healthy, and can be
reached at my email : PACINODJATAOL.COM I AM

- 7/25/00
Strong,athletic 20-year-old male with wanderlust seeks sailing opportunity. Certified
bartender, experienced waitstaff for upscale restaurant. Lived in Germany. Good
conversational German, some Spanish in addition to English. Enjoy people, patient with
kids. No sailing experience, but quick and eager learner. Please respond to
ggranberryATaol.com .

- 7/25/00
I am a 34 year old man looking for an entry level position on a sailing ship. Am
willing to travel anywhere. I have no experience except as a guest, however I learn
quickly. Looking to get out of the computer field for something new and refreshing. I am
an extremely hard worker. Email me at davidpATbellsouth.net

- 7/25/00
Were a two friendly girls visiting Ayia Napa in the middle of August for two
weeks. We are looking for a couple of days sailing with a friendly crew, we both have
basic experience as crew members and have been in a few informal races. We would welcome
the opportunity to help you man your boat in return for money towards food/drink, good
company and laugh with two lovely ladies, all you need is a sense of
humour, a kind nature
and of course a boat. E-mail Kayla at KaylaATayianapa.com
if youre interested.

- 7/24/00
A Few Good Men looking to crew a yacht in Europe/Med around the month of September
after hard year's study. No direct experience but athletic, hard working, quick learners
and most importantly very friendly! Any replies gratefully received and we look forward to
a great summer adventure! Thanks!

- 7/24/00
Hello I am skipper, engineer, with more than 20 years experience, looking for long or
short time position on motor or sailing yacht. Hard worker and no smoker. Speaking for
lenguages English Hebrew Russian Croatian Contact me on E-mail nesherATactcom.co.il, or bay
mail on address: Nenad Maryanovich -Nesher Kiryat Moshe B 140/8 14388 Tiberias Israel

- 7/24/00
We would like to interview and meet couples interested in joining us for the longest
voyage in history. For more detail, please see the article about our voyage that is
featured in the August 2000 issue of CRUISING WORLD magazine, or visit our web site at
www.1000days.net (scroll to the bottom of the home page for an introduction to the
project, then use the buttons at the top of the home page for more detail). We plan to
take a "getting to know you" trip from NYC to Hollywood sometime in the winter
2000. We may be reached by telephone after 7/31/00 at 212/414-4891 or anytime via e-mail
at: asst._kooijATicmtalent.com . We
look forward to hearing from adventureous couples who love living on the sea. Reid Stowe
& Laurence Guilleum of the Schoone ANNE

- 7/24/00
I am a cal 31 looking for crew to travel and share some expenses down the west coast of
central america and possibly through the panama. am interested in your time schedule and
experience novice acceptable. I have 30 years experience and still learning. male or
female. my email is onlyoneturtleATyahoo.com

- 7/21/00
Hello I am looking for a crew person for a three week trip to the Bahamas. I leave on
the 10th of August 2000 from Vero Beach Florida. I have a 37 foot Endeavour sailboat. I
will provide food, scuba and fishing in return for regular crewing duties. (Sorry no
cash). If you are interested then mail me
James Archbold

- 7/21/00
We are 5 girls looking to go from Cyprus (any port) to "any port further
west" Ibiza, Italy, etc. Some of have sailing experience. One of us has done
hostessing and deliveries from Antigua in the caribbean. We are all out-going and fast
learners. We are quite flexible as to date of departure...August. Thanks for reading.
email us at acerelliAThotmail.com

- 7/21/00

- 7/20/00
I am looking a job as 3rd mate . have COURSE IMO , STCW valid. I can be reached by
email at kris_107ATexcite.com

- 7/19/00
HI I am a 21 Years old german chef, trained in professional cookery/culinary art,kosher
cookery,halaal cookery,vegetarism,purchasing,menu writing,stock
keeping,etc. I did my
training in a top class Restaurant/Hotel in South Africa a Relais&
Chateaux/Relais&Gourmond establishment. I worked in Austria and Germany as well in
Relais&Gourmond houses in Chef de Partie positions,later as a Sous Chef in my fathers
Restaurant. Now I am looking for an chef position on a privat yacht a.s.a.p. please mail
to felixgrintschATyahoo.de

- 7/18/00
Looking for female crew to sail from M. Vineyard to Maine. We are a family on a 40'
sloop. Leaving next week with two overnight trips.

- 7/17/00
Professional Yacht Crew Team
Crew team couple, 51/40, Captain-Navigator/Chef-Hostess is seeking a long-term
position on a sailing vessel over 70 ft. Would consider power for the right owners.
American Captain with very extensive off-shore experience in Atlantic, Caribbean, South
Pacific and South China Sea. French-Canadian wife is excellent cook and hostess. We would
prefer a vessel that is planning an extended cruise but again, would consider other for
the right owners. We are both educated, well-traveled, very personable people that speak
English, French, and Spanish. We are also certified divers. Captain is completing 100 ton
Masters in mid-August. We are extremely reliable, professional, healthy, dedicated and
meticulous couple that are seeking owners that expect and can appreciate the same in their
crew and the way their yacht is cared for. We welcome all inquiries and are willing to
travel for an interview. Thank you. Capt. Randy and Paula Durst Email -

- 7/11/00
Hi, I'm a 24 year old danish student looking for a crew position on a transatlantic
trip around newyear 2000/01. Quite experienced sailor. I've earlier crossed the pacific.
Mentally and physically strong. If this sounds usefull to you please contact me at
Kurt-Inge_MereteATpost.tele.dk for
more information.
Jakob Sørensen

- 7/11/00
Hi, I am a 28 year old female with a few months off before starting a PhD in marine
biology in the UK. I am looking for a crew position starting as soon as possible until
Sept. 2000. I am a British Virgin Islander, and so I have some sailing experience, but no
blue water yet. I am a fast learner, v. easy to get along with, and willing to sail
to/from anywhere. I will also cook/clean/teach kids. I can be contacted at
Annalie Morris

- 7/10/00
LOOKING FOR CREW POSITION aboard sail/motor yacht.I'm 24;10 years experience in sailing
from deckhand to skipper.Graduated from Odessa State maritime academy in 1997.Experienced
in maintenance & refit of boats & machinery installed.Excel references.Available
right now.You won't regret if you give me the chance to prove myself.If you need any
additional info about my licences & experience please contact my

- 7/9/00
Australia - New Zealand - Philippines - Thailand - Indonesia Hi! My name is Jeanne
Deslandes (pronounce Jan), I am 37, French Canadian and I also speak basic Spanish. I have
done a little bit of racing (on lakes), and I crossed the Atlantic to convey a catamaran
from France to Canada. I enjoy sailing. I am willing to race or cruise. I now live in
Taiwan: teaching English to children and Film Studies at the University. You may contact
me at: jeanne_deslandesATyahoo.fr

- 7/9/00
A new 80 footer going to Sharm El Sheikh. Need captain and chef. If interested please
contact RedSea Yachting : rsydbATgega.net

- 7/9/00
Hi - I want to crew on deliveries. I have done Lake Superior and Tampa,FL to Bristol,
RI. I have race experience on a Shock 35. I have taken the US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Seamanship and Advanced Navigation courses.
Thanks, tom tshilsonATuswest.net

- 7/8/00
Race ready. Need crew position for short term cruises but perferably
raceing. Nine
years sailing experience, big and small; I have owned sailboats for the past five years.
Email me at skipper22ATev1.net or call
281-277-3995. Currently only available between Galviston and Corpus Christi, Texas
Thank you, Collin Casey

- 7/7/00
hiya, my name is paul roberts, i am 41 yrs old fit and healthy and ready for work. i am
an ex royal british navy flight deck and fire officer, i am looking for work at sea, i
will consider most sensible suggestions. i am a sensible , level headed person but love
having fun also. i am fully conversant with helicopter and aircraft handling and storage
and am safety concious, if you know of any opportunities either on a yacht or a ship
please contact me at bushidoATbushido.screaming.net
. thank you.

- 7/7/00
I am a recenly retired 61 year old man, in excellent health and
althletic. I am seeking
crew experience going most anywhere, most anytime. I do have some experience off the
western coast of Mexico. I own, maintain, and operate a Cape Dory 19 out of Santa Barbara,
CA, USA. I can pay my share of expenses, navigate, say awake at night, cook, and am really
easy going. I haven't gotten sea/air sick in years (there's always a chance...)
I can be reached by e-mail at
, or by calling 805.886.4058 in the USA.
Hope to go adventuring soon. p

- 7/7/00
Hawaii Bound! Hello my friend(s). I am 24 and living in Boston. I'm looking to make my
way out to Hawaii, one way, in the fall, and Id like to get the most out of my journey. I
want to feel every wave on the way out. I raced dinghys in high school, mostly Lasers and
420s, and have been on many different vessels. I'm pretty quick, I am a former lifeguard
and sailing instructor, and a pack mule when it comes to hard labor. If you would like to
know more, e-mail me at scottkundlaAThotmail.com

- 7/2/00
Jeff and Jenny are looking for a boat immediately. Both college grads,
first aid certs., and have a months experience between us. Ready to go anywhere and able
to leave anytime. Cooking, cleaning, outboard engine, and many other skills. Contact Jeff
--- jerfnyAThotmail.com

- 6/30/00
Hi im Dave 29 yeards old Ex British Army
Contact me on PollardATbarclays.net

- 6/29/00
i am very interested in becoming a crew member on a charter boat its nothing i've ever
done before but have always wanted to. Iam a single 27 year old female living in colorado
and i want to move to the ocean, an island more than anything. iam a very quick learner
and i know i will enjoy being a crew member very much. could you please give me some
information about what it entails and what procedures i need to do in order to make this
happen. everything and anything you could possibly tell me would be greatly
my email address is Sassy53557ATaol.com
thank you,
Erika Dormer

- 6/28/00
Hi there, I am a yacht captain with over 10 years experince in skippered yacht charters
and also private yachts vith VIPs speak english, french , Turkish , some
german, italian
and russian looking for a position as captain pls contact me ...

- 6/28/00
Hello, My name is Philip. I currently live on Mobile Bay and am looking for a cooking
position on a yacht beginning in October. I have culinary certification as well as
cruising and racing experience. If you would like resume information please contact me at

- 6/27/00
Hi my name is Tanya and I am looking to go from Cyprus (Aiya Napa) to visit my
boyfriend in Israel at the end of July or early August. (on a weekend) If anyone can offer
me a return journey I would be very happy. I am willing to help out on the boat or pay a
small fee. Love to hear from you my E-mail is

- 6/26/00
My name is Nicolas Sylvester, I'm a lawyer from Argentina, doing a Master in New York,
excellent PC knowledge and fluent in English, with sailing experience in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. I am easy learning, hard working and fond of sailing. If You need a good
companion for Your trips do not hesitate to contact me on my email:
Sylvn687ATnewschool.edu .

- 6/25/00
Hi my name is Ed Williams and I am looking to get into crewing and sailing. I have done
some weekend cruises on a 46' boat with a friend and would like to get into more extensive
cruising. I am currently in Seattle and am willing to move anywhere on the west coast. I
have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and have done a little electrical work. I am a
very patient and easy going person. My email is

- 6/24/00
Dear sir! My name is Romanas Jokubauskas. My rank on board the vessel is second class
electrical engineer. My nationality, and live country is Lithuania. I am 30 years old. My
job at sea begun from 1989 to this day. I have all dokuments which needed for seaman at
sea/seamans book,passport,SOLAS,certificate of competense,endorsement of certificate, and
health sertificate/.When i start worked at sea first time i have a job on fish catching
vessels,after on reefer ships and about 3 years ago start to work in foreign companys.I
have any recomendation letters from my last employers. I have job experience on this kind
of vessels: bulker,conteiners,reefers,science and next other. If it possible i shall be
wont find the job. At this moment i am at sea,on seismic ship from Norway,and come back at
home in August. My mobile telephone number +3708749482, and E-mail adress
romanas1AThotmail.com . If you have any
message for me plese write or call on my telephone . Thank you.

- 6/23/00
APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT __________________________________________________________
PERSONAL INFORMATION __________________________________________________________ Full
Name ( Last ) ( First ) ( Middle ) Vassilev Vesselin Todorov
__________________________________________________________ Contact Address k.Chaika bl.30
vh.V ap.59 Varna ___________________________________________________________
Contact Telephone Fax email 359 52 824 461
Citizenship Country of Origin Date of Birth Bulgarian Bulgaria 04 Oct.1958 EMPLOYMENT
INTERESTS Marine Department:I am looking for job on pleasure boat,passenger ship,merchant
ship or the offshore industry as Captain of the supply boat ,Chief Mate or other suitable
for my certificates job. Since 1982 I am working as deck officer for
Navibulgar, on all
types dry cargo ships. As Chief Officer I have experience on General Cargo ships, Ro-Lo
ships, Ro-Ro ships, multipurpose ships.
_________________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT RECORD
1982 - Now - Navibulgar , Varna, Bulgaria as 4 Mate, 3 Mate, Chief Mate For
recommendations please contact: Chief Superintendent of Navibulgar Capt. Zdravko Tarev
Tel.359 52 212 2216 359 88 628 272
Professional Active Licenses/Certificates and Expiration Date(s)
1976 - 1981 Nautical Academy , Varna, Bulgaria N Expire 1. Chief Officer over 3000 GT
/Bulgarian / May 2005 2.General operator - GMDSS /Liberian/ 02Aug 2000 3.Chief mate ocean
going any gross tonnage /Liberian/ 02 Aug 2000 4.Personal Survival Techniques 13 May 2004
5.Competency in Advanced Fire Fighting 13 May 2004 6.Proficiency in Medical Care on Board
13 May 2004 7.Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities 13 May 2004 8.Proficiency in
survival craft and rescue boats 10 May 2004 9.Maritime Search and Rescue Coordinator
Surface Search 03 May 2001 10.Training in use of ARPA, radar simulator, observation and
plotting 29 May 2002 11.Seaman's Book 0029402 19 June 2001 12. General operator - GMDSS
/Bulgarian/ 27 August 2003 All Certificates in compliance with STCW - 78/95
Married with 2 children.

- 6/22/00
Hi, my name is Gareth and i have worked on liners for 2 years. i have extensive
knowledge of the South pacific particularly with the war history and wrecks of the solomon
Islands. I have been a Padi scuba instructor aboard cruise ships for the last 3 yrs and
have dived almost every where. i hold five speacialy ratings + nitrox instructor , senior
first aid instructor, Oxygen instructor. I love to travel and dont mind where too. So if
you want a fun person to cruise with a sense of humor and 10 years expeience in hospiality
and diving send me an e-mail soon !

- 6/21/00
Looking to crew this summer. Plenty of experience.

- 6/20/00
LOOKING FOR A CREW???!! My name is Aleksandar Kovacevic, BSc in Naval Architecture,
excellent PC knowledge and fluent in English, 29/172/64 with lot of sailing
especially of Greek islands. I am easy learning, hard working and fond of sailing. If You
need a good companion for Your long/short trips do not hesitate to contact me on my email:
alhemicarAThotmail.com . I am
currently located at Cyprus ready to sail off.

- 6/20/00
Captain Chris,1600tons all Oceans US License RES Ft Laud 9549619470 Regular or
deliveries anywhere any time pls call.

- 6/17/00

- 6/17/00
I am 32,male, live in Turkey. My nick name is Sani.I had lived in a boat which is
Beneteau-Oceanis 430, for 4 years. I and the owner of this boat sailed Turkish coast and
Greek Islands from 1997. I have good experience. At last we joined EMYR 2000 (Eastern
Mediterranean Yacht Rally). We sailed more than 2500 miles in this rally. But I left this
sailboat last week. Of course there were some reason. Now I want to meet someone who has a
sailboat. Where and when doesnt matter for me. I love the sea and sailing. Also I work as
a free-lance photographer for magazines in Turkey. For example Yachting World Turkey,
Skylife, Outdoor. My e-mail saninaniAThotmail.com

- 6/16/00
Looking to Captain/Crew from September 2000-May 2001!
Hello! My name is Paul Retherford and I am looking for a job for the winter months. I
am presently captaining a charterboat in Alpena, Michigan called CATCH-A-BUNCH. I am 25
years old and ready for anything. I have a bachelor of science degree and I volunteered in
AmeriCorps for almost 2 years. What I want is a job for the fall, winter and spring;
summers to be spent in Alpena chartering. I have a 50 gross ton "Master of Inland
Waterways" Coast Guard License with a towing endorsement. I have fished all my life
on the Great Lakes. I am also an avid photographer and I am working my way to a divemaster
in scuba. I am interested in captaining/crewing on a boat, moving boats, etc; working
anywhere in the world. I am drug free and I am on a random drug testing program. Very
professional yet extremely laid back, and motivated at the same time. Let me know if I can
do something for you. I have traveled extensively and I love adventure. Relocation is a
bonus for me! Let me know when and where I can help. Thanks for considering!!!:-)

- 6/16/00

- 6/16/00
I am 32 years old, male, single live in Turkey. I am Turkish. I love the sea and off
course sailing. I have experienced on Turkish coast and some Greek Islands coast for three
years. At last I sailed from Turkey to Egypt (we also wisited Syria, Lebanon, Israel) and
come back to Turkey, more than 2000 miles. I am strong enough to do everything on
sailboat. I work as a free-lance photographer in Turkey for magazines for example Yachting
World Turkey, Skylife, Outdoor.... I want to meet some one who have a sailboat. When or
where it doesnt matter for me. My nick name is Sani and my e-mail

- 6/14/00
48 foot sailboat leaving San Diego for the Panama Canal via Mexico, El
Nicaragua and Costa Rica at the end of October 2000. Applicants should have at least
sailed before, be considerate and easy going,and be willing to pay $20/day/person to cover
food and expenses. Knowledgeable, competent, easygoing skipper. No smoking vessel. Boat is
in excellent condition with mostly new equipment. E-mail to

- 6/13/00
I am a 21 year old Australian Traveller seeking to join any sailing crew leaving July
or August, and going pretty much anywhere. Essentially I'd like to sail from my base at
the moment, London to the states, or preferably Mexico. I have some sailing experience in
Desolation Sound, Canada, and would love to work my way to either of these destinations,
Thankyou smm_78AThotmail.com

- 6/13/00
IN GETTING A JOB masoomaliATrediffmail.com

- 6/12/00
Hi,I am Cesar Ospina Marine Motors Repairman Opera- tor with 1400 hours Nautical
School,very disciplined and responsible with a great desire to work,I have- 22 years of my
life work on the sea,I don!t have a- job at the moment,I like the sea work,I have all my
sea documents ready to travel at any moment of any request my fax No.57-2-4425370 are able
24 hours any work opportunity I accepted and terms and conditons of employment my E-mail:
cesaroATemcali.net.co thank- you for any help
on my matter God Bless are my best wishes and always I do my best on my duty. Att.:Cesar

- 6/11/00
I am a 27 year old professional who is ready to live life. I have been sailing on
inland waters all of my life. I am seriously thinking of walking away to start living my
life. I am trying to find employment in an island environment (Carribean/Virgin). I am
searching for opportunities/information on crewing and chartering in these locations.
email: jmventuresATnetzero.net .

- 6/11/00
MEDITERRANEAN. Skipper with some experience, looking to work on boat or sailing yacht,
during the summer of 2000 in the Meditteranean. I am 24, female, friendly, hard-working,
sociable and love boating. I know Turkish and English. For more info please contact me at
karen86AThotmail.com (6/10/00)

- 6/8/00

- 6/8/00
Licensed CG Captain Needed immediately...... for 72' Swan. Summers in Cape Cod, Winters
in Florida, the Caribbean, or Med. Must have bluewater experience. Salary and Benefits. 30
day paid vacation. Interested parties should forward a complete resume and (CLEAR) copy of
their license to:
MJE POB 542230 Merritt Island, FL 32954-2230

- 6/7/00
To whom it may concern, My name is Charlie Redd and I am a professional chef looking to
travel out of the United States. I am extremly hard working and am quick to learn anything
that needs to be done. I am a very friendly person and would lova a situation on a boat
with friendly people. I graduated from The Culinary Institute of America in 1996 and love
to cook all types of food. If you are interested in eating like a king contact me at

- 6/6/00
Hello: want to be a crew I'm an Iraqi engineer 39 years old, 60kg weight, 170cm
height, non smoker and having a good health willing to be a crew for a boat or a ship
traviling from and to America and Canda. please contact me on

- 6/3/00
hello out there, i'm meg and i'm currently living in the u.s. but cannot wait to be
abroad again. i'm 21 and have been travelling on and off for the last 3 years. i've only
had a few opportunities to sail, the most recent was crewing for a week on a trip from
honduras to mexico on a 47 footer. i am looking to sail anywhere anytime. i'm a very fast
learner, i get along well with nearly everyone i meet, and i love love love being on the
water. i speak spanish and a little french and absolutely perfect
english!! i can be
anywhere to sail immediately and have no definite plans to keep. i'm most interested in
sailing to or near europe, but any sailing's good for me! thanks -

- 6/1/00
I would like to find a location i the Med that lease or rents sailboats for 3-6
months... tycoon2005ATaol.com

- 6/1/00
Positions wanted.Todd Davis/Marie Earles U.S.team chef/stew seeking employment on
motoryacht.I am a culinary trained chef with 15 years experience on vessels 75ft-215ft.For
more information or resume package please respond to

- 5/31/00
31/5/2000 Can you help? My name is Jonathan Ford, age 25, I am looking to sail to the
Caribbean in September or October. I have sailed all my life and have won sailing races on
Hobie Cats, I have a little crusing experience on a 44ft Beneteau although what I don't
know I will pick up quickly. I can cook, I am hardworking and easy to get along with.
Contact: jonnysandbanksATHotmail.com

- 5/31/00
Looking for Skipper/Mate, Ionian Cruise July 2000
I am planning to cruise the Ionian Islands with my family (wife and 2 kids, boy 8
& girl 11) on our Sovereign 54 for 3 weeks commencing approximately 4th July. The boat
is currently in transit from Hong Kong and is expected in the Med. At the end of June. I
am looking for a skipper/mate to accompany us to assist with sailing. I cant do it
all on my own and want to share the load. I am looking for somebody with cruising
knowledge of the Ionian and who doesnt mind being around well-behaved kids. I
dont need a full on skipper in the usual sense, just somebody to share the sailing,
docking and decision making. My wife and I are Australian, aged 42 and 39 respectively. I
am willing to pay travel from within Europe and living expenses. If you think this is for
you, please contact me.
Email: fwelchATfocusint.com.au

- 5/31/00
Name: Adam Lindsay Age: 21 Number of yrs racing: 8 Location: Puget
Sound(Pac. NorthWest) Main Duties on J-36(the boat im on for bouy racing): sail trimmer(jib and spin)
I am looking for a boat who is needing crew for international race weeks or long
distance races. Locally i have raced at Wheidby Island Race Week(J-36), Swiftsure
International Yacht Race (J-36), Southern straits(J-36), Around the County(Chout 40,
J-36). In 2002 i will be crewing on a J-36 on the Vic-Maui Yacht Race. If interested send
info to ski1derAThotmail.com or write to:
Adam Lindsay 722 Chuckanut Dr. Bellingham, WA 98226

- 5/28/00
Looking for a baot: I am looking to crew summer of 01. I am a expierenced sailor with
US sailing cert. in Cruising and Navigation as well as instruction. I have extensive
expierence in Morgan 21 and 41s, Oday 35, Pearson 33 and Hunter 35.5 as well as many
dingies. I am studying Hospitality and will be also taking classes in Weather, Electrical
Engineering, EMT, Diesal Mechanics, and Cooking. I will be getting my captain's licence at
the end of summer 00. I am 21 and currently attend FIU in Miami. I can be reached at
killeetoAThotmail.com or (305)-945-7157.
Matthew McCoy

- 5/28/00
Hello! We´re seeking a boat crossing the pacific leaving from n.america to asia around
feb 2001. We are a canadian group of three young people who are looking to go to
asia, and
what better way to get there than by working on a yacht. Seeking either paid or volunteer
positions. We are two females, (17 & 19) and one male (20). We are all hard workers
and have excellent references. We are very adventurous and looking to gain some experience
in yachting. I also speak german and my sister speaks french. Please contact me for more
information, CV, and pictures. Any information or help also greatly appreciated. Thanks!

- 5/27/00
Hello people looking for crew! My name is Jeremy and I am a 20 year old medical student
who loves sailing and has 3 months of holiday about to start. I have 6500 offshore miles
logged, including one transatlantic passage. I would love to crew on any cruising or
passage making vessels, send me an email if you can help, Cheers! My email is

- 5/26/00
I am a 44 yr old, American male Capt. 25 to Master w/Sail endorsement. Seeking summer
Capt./mate position. I am clean cut,fit, honest and a man of integrity..degreed..easily
transferable...I have a free travel vocher through the airlines..I am a perfect candidate
for a new boat owner who would like some personal instruction/ extra hand on board through
the summer...Compensation can be kept reasonable if accomadations can be provided for on
board. Charter, heavy guest traffic a speciality. please contact JD at
HunterdriverATAOL.com .. Thank-you

- 5/26/00
43 foot sailboat leaving Connecticut for Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island 3rd week
of June for 8 week cruise. Applicants should have at least sailed before, be considerate
and easy going,and be willing to share in expenses. Knowledgeable, competent skipper. No
smoking vessel. E-mail to EastledgeAThotmail.com

- 5/25/00
Crew: I'm a recent college grad looking for a boat. I have cruised a 30 ft. Catalina
for all my 22 years (I have experience in smaller boats but not bigger-- a situation I'm
now ready to remedy!). I'm easygoing and hardworking. I'll be available to crew in
mid-July and am based on the US east coast (specifically New England) but can fly to your
port. Please contact me: hiserenaAThotmail.com

- 5/23/00
S/Y Celtic Wave - 35' Warrior - very well equiped is looking for experienced crew for
'The Pond'
R U available to do an east bound transatlantic from Miami to Azores and/or UK
starting early June. 35' well kitted yacht.
E-mail - celticwaveAThotmail.com
Cheers Bob UK

- 5/23/00
Hi, I'm a 24 year old American looking to crew on a ship for the summer. I'm an
experienced traveller, eager and quick learner, motivated, hard worker, easy going. I've
been looking for an opportunity to learn how to sail for about a year. Atlantic crossing
would be great, as would a Carribean or V.I. trip. I speak French and a bit of Spanish and
Czech. You can contact me by phone at (314) 862-0619 or e-mail at
timlang13AThotmail.com . Looking forward to it.
Thanks, Tim

- 5/21/00
hello!.. I'm a french chef (16 years experience) 33 years old, I got experience of sea
(transatlantic in 96 on a 38 m classic wooden boat camper &
nicholson) competent crew (RYA) fluent English (based in Plymouth UK since 3 years) I'm looking for job (miles at
sea needed) please contact me at martialbuglioloATexcite.com

- 5/21/00
We are a Danish couple,looking for crewpositions on powerboats. Steffen are 27 years
old,qualified silverwaiter. Maria are 24 years old,qualified beautician and experienced
chambermaid. We are looking for any positions.Right now we are on St.Thomas u.s.v.i We
have been together for 6 years and worked together in Greece the summer of 95 and 99.
Profiles:Hardworking,quick to learn,confident in dealing with the public.Enjoy working as
a member of a team.Always pays attention to detail and can be trusted to work
unsupervised. For further information about our skills please contact us [
syros1AThotmail.com ]

- 5/19/00
Hello I am 22 years old. I have been around boats all my life. My family builds yachts,
and trawlers, paddle wheel boats, skiffs, houseboats, and crew boats. I have worked with
them since I have been old enough to go there. I want to be part of a crew on a boat, any
kind of boat. I am a quick learner, and a hard worker. Please contact me at....
jgillikin728AThotmail.com Thank you James

- 5/19/00
I am a captain of a 40' Yorktown sloop looking for crew, companion to sail for the
south seas or wherever. I am now in Portland, Oregon performing needed maintenance on the
boat and will be ready to sail within a month or so. I can be reached at
ab7rnATaol.com Capt Bill

- 5/18/00
I am 20 yr old male student. Comp. crew qualified. Looking to sail in August '00.
Experiance includes 2 weeks on Tall Ship from Lisbon to Canaries and sailing on 40ft
across Eng. channel. Willing to pay for travel expenses. Fit, hard worker, love to learn.
Please e-mail me on dr8109ATbristol.ac.uk

- 5/18/00
Email: jcheliATfrisurf.no

- 5/17/00
I am 18 and looking for a partner to go in on a sail boat together I would like to sail
anywhere in the world, #Email me for more info, Fix the address though, my periods aren't
working, stormcroATinforum,net

- 5/17/00
Hello. Woman with 26-foot sailboat needing repair work seeks assistance putting her
back in the water. Boat needs to be scraped and painted. Nice little boat needs tender
loving care in exchange for unlimited use. Seeking experienced hand to advise and help
with work. Inexperience people seeking to sail in exchange for work also welcomed. Boat
Location: New York City. Pleases contact me at
asap if you can help.

- 5/15/00
I have a tiny bit of sailing experience, (but it was so long ago we can probably
disregard it). However, i'm a Zimbabwe/British,well educated 21 year old prisoner of
mother england, longer to break away from the U.K and spend some time doing the things I
love. I'm fit(ish), good company for most, and once i start something I always see it
through. I'm not looking for anything particular, but I'm physically able, a whiz in the
kitchen, and full of savy. I am forever free, so if you can suggest anything, i would be
forever grateful. My name is Robert Macdougall, my e-mail,

- 5/15/00
I'm Yugoslavian with fluent knowledge of English, medium knowledge of Spanish and
average capability of using computers. I'm 20 years old. I'm also in possession of a
driving licence. For a reasonable salary I would do any kind of physical jobs. I'm
perfectionist, so if you have any kind of job that needs to be handled with extreme care,
please contact me at e-mail address: pajkahAThotmail.com

- 5/12/00
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I'm looking for a paying job as a cook on a tall ship.I'm available
Hopefully a minimum of 2 years. I have lots of cooking experience, and some basic chef's
certification. I have no experience on a ship but I enjoy challenge and change. I will be
travelling with my 16 year old daughter (need a cook's assistant too?) who sailed for a
short time on "Eye of the Wind" She is keenly interested in presuing sailing as
a career and is a hard worker. Please contact me at
kmcgillATtelusplanet.net Thanks for your
consideration. Sandy.

- 5/12/00

- 5/9/00
Hello, my name is Johannes,I'm a 20 year old bloke from Germany travelling around
Australia.I hope to catch a yacht from Darwin to Europe at the beginning of July.So if you
are cruisin in these waters and need an easy-going but hard-working deckhand with quite a
bit sailing experience and an Advanced Open Water Diver Certificate,I'm your man! Send me
a mail please,hope to hear from you soon! LILLI45ATHOTMAIL.COM

- 5/6/00
ANNA GARDNER I''m an 18 yr old Brit, looking for work on a yacht preferrably off the
American coast/ Gulf of Mexico or in the Meditterannean. I've spent a lot of time on small
yachts in my life and am very eager to increase my crewing skills and learn more about the
world through seeing it. Please contact me at "

- 5/5/00
Simon, added May 4, 2000 Phone number: 0415 689 455 I am a novice who can handle
outboard repair, 12-volt electrical repair, French, German, and am willing to share
expenses. My name is Simon. I'm 22 years old and I look for the alternative way to travel
up the east coast of Australia, away from the standart tourist track. At the moment I'm in
Sydney, and would be nice to get a boat here up to Cairns but if someone goes from
Brisbane or somewhere else on the coast. I'll be there in 24 hours. So send me and email
or ring me on the number above. E-mail: newcrewATmyown.de

- 5/3/00
Hi, I am 18 years old and have some sailing experience and I am looking to work on a
boat. I am free to work anytime between september2000 and may 2001. I want to work hard
and increase my sailing knowledge. Please contact me at
. Thanks

- 5/3/00
Hi. I am 18 years old and have some sailing experience and would love to learn more. I
am looking to crew on a boat anytime from september 2000 to may 2001. I am looking to work
hard. Please contact me at WeezysailATaol.com
if you are looking for a hard working crew member for your boat. Thanks. weezy

- 5/3/00
Leaving May 15, 2000.
Need someone to assist in transporting my boat from Jacksonville Beach, FL. to
Solomons Island, Md. via the ditch. "Knot Worthy" is a 36' Watkins CC. Please
reply to extremeATrev.net

- 5/2/00
Hi Guys,
18 year old male brit looking to crew anywhere, anything, from tommorrow till August!
I have a little experiance but am willing and keen to learn. Willing to share costs, open
for adventures and wanting to widen my sailing knowledge.
reply to mATgician.com

- 5/2/00
crew wanted.
Synergy is an ocean capable , heavily equipped, 46 foot cutter rigged,
currently in Puero Vallarta, Mexico.
During this time the boat will sail the mainland of Mexico to
Mazatlan, across the Sea
of Cortez, up the west coast of the Baja, to Los Angeles, Ca. It will make mant stops
along the way, including La Paz, Cabo San Lucas, Turtle Bay, Ensenada, San Diego, Newport
Beach, and Avalon, before arriving in Los Angeles, around July 1. In addition, the boat
will stop at many delightful bays and coves the skipper knows from making this trip many
times. Crew must be in good health,not too overweight, non smokers. You should have some
blue water experience, and be willing to share in fuel, food and other daily operating
costs of the vessel.
Reply to sailon99AThotmail.com

- 5/1/00
Hi guys my name is Aliyah I am looking for work aboard a sailing vessel I,ve got three
and a half years experience in sailing through the caribbean the virgins miami
I am a 25 years old trinidadian lady of cosmopoliton race I make a good second mate,
hostess or both I am a very hard worker If there are openings I´ll like to be Inform
about such things I can be contacted at aliyahATaliyah.de
or 0221-9525646 or Aliyah Stöber venloer str 1-3 50672 köln germany. Yours Respectfully
Aliyah H Stöber.

- 4/30/00
You want to learn or improve your sailing skill ?I'm french 35 yo looking for crew to
deliver my boat (31Footer) from tampa to St Martin with a stop in cuba and bahamas Leaving
early may 2 or 3 weeks trip Share expenses My e mail :

- 4/30/00
HOSTESS required for 2 months around early July to early September. Good salary.
Privately owned motor yacht with guests on board at all times. Knowledge of sailing and
cooking necessary. Will be required to clean and tidy yacht, prepare and serve meals with
the help of the skipper and provision the yacht. Maximum number of guests 6. Knowledge of
French a benefit. Please contact bichirinoAThotmail.com

- 4/28/00
Brit male, 40yr old, non smoker. RYA, comp crew cert. Fit active, willing to learn.
Looking for trip, across the Atlantic, trans arc etc, etc. ALAN. In Florida at present.
25yrs Offshore expierence, On the surface + on the sea bed. E-mail

- 4/28/00
new zealander ,fit ,non smoker ,limited exp practical and mechanicaly minded wanting
postion on yacht from england to south east asia around mid october 2000 reply

- 4/27/00
Hello,I am Russell Harper,a 20 yr. old male seeking any paid crew possition leaving
from the east coast of USA. I am inexperienced in the sailing buisness but I am quick to
learn, eager to please and hard working. I love the outdoors and have a thirst to see the
world. Any information is greatly appreciated. My e-mail is
rusharpATboone.net . THANKS!

- 4/27/00
TRAVELLING BRIT SEEKS VOYAGE. I'm currently staying in Washington DC am seeking a boat
headed South from here. I have virtually no experience but am big, strong, fit, fast
learning, in possession of a good sense of humour, can contribute expenses and leave
immediatly - tommy10ATappleonline.net

- 4/27/00
Cruising companion wanted Sailing from Vancover, Mexico, and South America, Planing a 5
year cruise. If you like to sail, Anchor, and relax on a quiet day with a book. If you
like the Life of traveling and visiting new places, as well as living on board and dinghy
into shore. I'm looking for some one to share this life with I plan a 5 to 10 year cruise
Leaving in early August 2000. Come sail with me. Kind regards Captn. Jack

- 4/24/00
I am looking to crew a boat starting in September or October. I am my ASA sailing
certificate and have sailed 625 from St Martin to Trinidad over the course of a month. I
am educated, inovative and creative and am a wonderful person to be around... can be
reached at Karma365AThotmail.com or
413-548-9870 ask for Spring Thanks...

- 4/24/00
Ahoy, I am a recent college grad from the University of Montana and am looking to crew
on a boat that is making a trans-atlantic crossing (Leaving sometime after late August). I
have three summers experience behind the helm of a Columbia 32, all throughout the Great
Lakes. Have some bluewater experience, but crave more. I'm a good cook and a fun guy to be
around. Will crew for free, I am only looking for a great experience!! Email me at
skiptronicAThotmail.com Hope to hear from
you! Sincerely Skip Young

- 4/23/00
We provide ex'd seafarers for any type of yachts,including luxury yacht. Please visit
our website URL: chat.ru/~marcrew
e-mail marcrewATstl.ru

- 4/23/00
Hi my name is Lawrence Weinberg. I am looking to join a yacht as a deckhand. I have
experience sailing in the U.S. Navy. I can do mechanical work and also electrical work. I
can be contacted at LaryLodnATaol.com thank

- 4/23/00
I am a 23yr old male,looking for a cadet job in a shipping company.I have completed my
pre-sea training of 3 months from T.S.Chanakya,India.If given an opportunity I will live
up to your hopes. Thankyou. Contact me : willinusATyahoo.com

- 4/21/00
Qualified chief mate to 5000gt STCW GMDSS.UK Citizen USA VISA C1D seeeks
position,available now contact Stephen at ccap123ATaol.com

- 4/20/00
Hallo, we are looking for a fantastic cruising around the pacific islands. I'm a
Skipper with a lot of experience in Mediterranean sea, but I'm looking for a not paid
position with my girl.... Fabrizio (Italy) e-mail

- 4/20/00
Hi I am looking for a paid position crewing anywhere. I am 23, English but at the
moment in Hong Kong. I do not have much experience but can pick things up easily. I can
travel anywhere and can work for as long as I'm needed. Have traveled around the far East
and Indonesia and want to see a bit more of the world. (e-mail)
edglenwrightAThotmail.com Regards Ed
Anything apreciated

- 4/19/00
4/19/00 Looking for professional position as captain/mate on sailing vessel 45 FT or
larger begining mid June 2000 following delivery of 56 ton Steel Trawler to Bermuda &
return to Eastern US. Have 50K nm sailing experiences in Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific.
Experiences include racing and bluewater cruising/deliveries. Available for
US/International travel. Sitting for USCG 50Ton Masters Inland & Mate 50Ton Near
Coastal w Sail Endorsement in May 2000. Non-smoker. Resume, photos & references
available on request. Please contact RW Catlette by any of following means: E-Mail,
RWCATATYAHOO.COM ; Voice Mail: 760-280-7211; Fax: 760

- 4/17/00
Crew Wanted for transatlantic delivery on Swan 51 Leaving from St Martin to
England Boat currently in St Martin, Please leave a message for Jimmy at +590 873548
Leaving ASAP

- 4/16/00
Looking for employment as a boat captain w/ 100 ton near coastal license. Interested in
whale whatching! Please e-mail to ksnaveATibm.net

- 4/13/00
I am a 20 year old english lad who has just graduated from university. I am looking for
a position on a motor boat or sailboat anyhwere but the carrib ean would be nice. I have
very limited experience but i am very hard working, a good learner and very friendly. I
love the ocean, the otdoors and to travel.
If you have any information on a job, have a job or any advice on getting a job then
plase e-mail me on:

- 4/13/00
Expirenced Single Sailer Looking for Companion or crew to sail Vancover to Costa Rica
Depart Aug 2000 Email JackdogATwa.freei.net
Kind regards Capt. Jack

- 4/11/00
I am skippering a motor yacht for the summer and require a hostess who can cook low fat
easy meals, has a knowledge of boats and knows some French and possibly Italian.
Preferably under 44 year of age and size 12 UK 42 Italian (to fit the crew gear that is
already provided) Please respond before May 8th if interested to

- 4/9/00
I'm a 22yr old male, graduating with an engineering degree in july (University of
Portsmouth, UK). I'm looking to crew on a sailing yacht anywhere in the
from mid July to the end of September 2000. I speak fluent Greek and English, good italian
and some French. I have experience with mechanical systems (I can fix things), I can cook,
navigate and have limited sailing experience. I am also great company and can take orders.
My email address is alexcoliasATyahoo.co.uk
Thanks, Alex

- 4/9/00
Hi My name is Kate and I am interested in sailing from the US to New Zealand any time
after May 2000. I have limited sailing experience, but am looking to gain some. I am fun
to be around as well as a hard worker. I am a collegiate athlete so I know what hard
physical work is like, and I would enjoy the challenge. my email address is
Thanks kate

- 4/9/00
I`m looking for an interesting site on most any type of working vessel.Trips to remote
or hazardous areas would be especialy appealing. I hold a Masters licence 1600 GT Oceans
and am presently serving as mate aboard a seagoing tug operating along the U.S. east coast
and handling oil barges up to 400 feet. I`m 50 years old, married (original wife) and in
good health.If it pays good I`m there.e-mail at

- 4/7/00
Historic 130 ft. schooner looking for experienced cook for Spring and Summer season,
May 1 to August 18. Duties include provisioning and meal preparation for up to twenty crew
and trainees for trips ranging from two days to two weeks.
The ship will be sailing in the Northeast US and Nova Scotia, and will be
participating in several of the Tall Ships 2000 events.
Requirements: US citizen or current green card. Positive attitude and work ethic more
important than extensive culinary background.
For further details, contact

- 4/7/00
Trainees/Crew opportunity: To set sail aboard the schooner 'Mist of Avalon" which
will be participating to the "Tall Ships 2000" events, an exciting voyage from
Lunenburg Nova Scotia, Canada to Bermuda, Charleston, Norfolk, New York City, Boston and
ending in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Cost per trainnes/crew: $50.00 US currency to cover the
cost of your berth and meals. For information on Route, Ports an to receive an application
form, please e-mail us at mistofavalon67AThotmail.com

- 4/7/00
I'm a 25 year old British man with much sailing experience as skipper of 36 ft yacht
in the Med and as crew on various deliveries and voyages worldwide + racing experience off
south coast of UK.
I am looking for a place on a yacht or yachts anywhere in the world from 1 July 2000 -
I have several months free before starting a new job.
I'm responsible, fun and don't break down when things get rough. Anyone in need of
such a crew please contact: charlieATcbalme.fsnet.co.uk

- 4/4/00
5/4/2000 I am 27yr old fully qualified chef with experience mainly on tall ships. Iam
looking for some work on any form of sailing boat. preferably in the mediterranean area. I
am available from the 1st may and very flexible. my email -
tracyleeoAThotmail.com thankyou

- 4/2/00
l am Deger Ozyuva 31 years old male yacht captain from Turkey. l would like to travel
all around the world. And l am professional at scuba diving. l speak English and Turkish.
Waiting for your good news. ydegerozyATyahoo.com

- 3/31/00
Hi there. My name is Erné Nel. I am 22 years old and from South Africa. I am currently
in Chicago for a year abroad and will return to South Africa on the 22nd April 2000. I am
interested in persuing a career in the line of cruise line crew staff / any crew staff.
I have no experience in this, however, I do have an excellent Resumé with good
Please contact me if any position is available at the following e-mail address :
Regards to all

- 3/31/00
s/v ILLUSIONS 65ft steel staysail schooner twin Perkins diesels full safeties SSB VHF
Radar GPS Looking for 2 crew members with ocean passage experience to bring vessel from
Virgin IS to New York via Bermuda Passage departure May 22 2000 to arrive New York June 7
2000 Crew responsible for travel to/from vessel and contribution to provisioning Passport
and US visa required by non US citizens Preference given to individuals with
diesel/electrical/navigation skills Contact Bill at

- 3/31/00
I'm looking for a crew position beginning in May. I have no experience, but am a quick
learner. I speak French, English and some Mandarin. I am currently in Montreal, Canada.

- 3/30/00
Potential crew member looking for a boat, capable qualified cook, also with three years
of seamanship, navigation boat handling experience as an officer cadet in the royal naval
reserve. I am a quick learner, but have little yachting experience. Available from May,
age 21 currently a chalet girl, I have a degree in zoology.

- 3/29/00
FULLTIME bryan_chaseAThotmail.com

- 3/28/00
38 foot yacht crusing Papau new Guinea from May to November. Looking for a couple that
would like to cruise 2 month and visit small villages where they live the way they did 100
years ago + have the chance to dive WW11 wrecks. Will be leaving cairns,Australia first
week of May 2000 see www.geocities.com/svseagoon/svseagoon.html or email

- 3/27/00
My name is Elyse Greenwald and I am looking for a crewing position during the month of
August on the East Coast doing anything but working in the galley. I was an intern on a
schooner for two weeks last year and I learned to sail on 16 ft. boats over the course of
four summers. My e-mail address is EFG315ATaol.com

- 3/24/00
dear Sir: I am interested in finding a deckhand position on the rivers or harbors of
the U>S> but not on the great lakes or oceans.
thank you for your time and consideration.
sincerely Frank J> D'Amelio 1521 Westview Drive Yorktown
Hg'ts,N.Y. email adress Dr.francescoATmailcity.com

- 3/23/00
I am 18 years old with minnimum of yachting experience but I am a fast learner. Is
there any one who needs some company and is willing to teach a quick learner. Please get
in contact Alimar7AThotmail.com

- 3/23/00
dear sir, i am looking for job name :surendra sharma indian age:31 lice: master last
company: greece. last rank : ch/mate. avilibility to join : any time.contact : fax
0091-2836-32830/55448. tlx 105 211 uma in. e mail : uma
marATwilnetonline.net .(r) tel :

- 3/22/00
Need Crew San Pedro/LA Harbor for day sails 3/25-3/28/00. 38 ft
trimaran. hobie33bobATaol.com or leave message
510-769-0309 (SF bay area)

- 3/21/00
36 male many offshore and mexico races/deliveries. i would like to cross an ocean this
year, pref the atlantic either direction. email to
- thanks

- 3/21/00

- 3/20/00
My name is Matthew Debicki, I am 21 yrs old and have raced yachts since I could walk.
Looking for a position as crew from anywhere, preferably payed. Have my green instructors
in sailing and my national lifeguard certificate. Did I mention I'm Canadian? e-mail me at
mattdebickiAThotmail.com or snail mail
to 35 tahoe bay, winnipeg, manitoba, canada, r2j2w3

- Date:
- 3/14/00
Sewardess available for the month of May in the mediterranean on the west coast of
Italy. I am canadian but presently living in Europe. My date of birth is may 3, 1981. I
have experience in guest relations, janitor duties and hard labour. I am a hard worker and
am eager to learn. I can speak basic german and french as well. Please contact me and I
will send you more info and my CV. Thanks! My email address is

- Date:
- 3/14/00
My name is Marina ,I am 23 years old russian woman. Speak English fluently,
French,Italian and Bulgarian - some. Excellent PC skills, good communicative skills. I am
looking for in job in a cruise vessel. Please contact me:

- Date:
- 3/14/00
19 year old looking for travel, peace of mind and the adventures of the road less
traveled. You name it and I'm willing to learn it. Looking for minimal pay, but maximum
experiences. Do you need a companion to travel with and help you keep you keep your boat