"Patrick Skinner's Cyprus Kitchen"

Patrick Skinner and his wife Mary settled in Cyprus in 1991, she to restore and furnish
an old village house, he to write and photograph. They have accomplished this, but,
through a chance happening, they now look after 89 unwanted donkeys and one old horse.
Their shelter is now a registered charity and the only such organisation in Cyprus. A
lifetime love of food and wine, combined with travel and assignments all around the
Mediterranean region, to say nothing of donkeys and rural life, have given Patrick plenty
of subject material for articles appearing every week in newspapers and magazines
published in Cyprus, Britain and elsewhere.
Although he has set up and contributed to a number of books, "Patrick Skinner's
Cyprus Kitchen" is the first to bear his name as sole author. It is really "by
request" from many people who have read his recipes in various places and wanted them
in book form.
"That's one reason", says Patrick, "There is another. We need quite a
lot of money to run our donkey sanctuary.
Every copy of my cook book that is sold carries a royalty for the old darlings and every
one we sell direct, from our shop or by mail, generates a much larger donation".
Order your copy here.
From a lifetime of cooking for family, friends and miscellaneous
gatherings (including his own wedding breakfast for 75), inveterate cooker-in and
unflagging diner-out Patrick Skinner presents an eclectic collection...
* More than 160, delicious, easy-to-follow recipes, from simple
snacks to
splendid blow-outs
* Food from Cyprus, around the Mediterranean and the Middle East, with a
flavour of the Orient here and there plus a few robust receipts from
Northern climes.
* Hints, ideas, some wit and a bit of wisdom, culled from a few thousand
slavings over a hot stove.
* Invention and innovation, variations on old favourites and some old
* A peppering throughout with Alyana Cazalet's brilliant, witty
Patrick Skinner's Cyprus Kitchen
Patrick Skinner and his wife Mary settled in Cyprus in 1991, "to live a
quieter rural life", he to write about wine, she to develop the house and garden of
their hillside retreat. This followed some years of running an international marketing and
PR firm, which entailed much writing: articles, speeches, reports, books, TV documentaries
and people profiles. The pen, typewriter and word processor have assisted multi-national
corporations, hotels, airlines, tourism organisations, food manufacturers, wine producers
and wine marketeers from all over the world.
He now writes every week on food and drink in "The Cyprus Mail", has
a widely syndicated weekly column about Mediterranean food and contributes to many
magazines in Cyprus and elsewhere. When not writing he helps Mary run the "Friends of
the Cyprus Donkey" sanctuary, which, since it was founded in 1994 has taken in more
than 130 unwanted animals. Every copy of this book sold will provide a donation for the
Alyana Cazalet was born in Russia and studied art in Moscow and London. She
published two books in Russia, "School" (1989) and "Quiet Feasts"
(1991). After moving to London she worked as a freelance artist and illustrator, including
assignments for a BBC children's magazine. Her work has been exhibited in Britain, France
and Spain. She moved to Cyprus in 1995, where she has continued her work, undertaking
various projects, participating in several exhibitions and has had her own one woman show
in 1998. She has been inspired by the colour and taste of Cyprus food. She admits not to
have tried any of Patrick's recipes as yet which will mark yet another turning
point in her varied and interesting life.
In Cyprus "Patrick Skinner's Cyprus
Kitchen" is available from book stores at C£6,50 or by post at C£7,00 from: "Friends of the Cyprus Donkey", 4772 Vouni
Village, Limassol District.
or Order it Here online
In the UK it is available post and packing paid at St£9,00. Cash or cheque with order
to: Miss Susanna Skinner, "Friends of the Cyprus Donkey (UK)" , 112 Augustus
Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 6ER. Allow 7-10 days for delivery.