Yachties Noticeboard

This page is a yachties notice board, use it to leave messages or information which should be passed on. This is intended mainly for yachties in the Greek Islands and Eastern Med/Cyprus region, but general info is welcome if relevant. For Yachties chat, the proper place now is
The Garboard

   Sailing charters worldwide - a yachting holiday with a difference   Yacht and boat insurance - maritime underwriters - online quotes   Quality shipwright - woodwork and carpentry - local to Cyprus but will travel.   

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I am leaving on a circumnavigation in the spring to include the Med. Should I purchase charts here in the states before I leave? Thanks, David In Alaska

REPLY: From marine AT windowoncyprus.com   : It is probably advisable to buy them there, as charts will be about half price. Good luck.


I recently spent some time on a yacht in the eastern Mediterranean and would like to write about the yachtie lifestyle (joys, headaches, impetus to join it, etc. etc.). If you're interested your story, I'd love to hear from you.

Nina nfrankel AT earthlink.net

fyi:Jan 1, 1999! The "MAN diesel ALERT" Newsletter went on the Net & in Print.

The main items in this first issue are: 1)The string of Proof-An irrefutable paper track confirms MAN Failures. 2)The Public Response-International reaction to Man marine engine piston failures. 3)Owner Testimonials-It happened to them and to many others.

You may e-mail your request for a free copy of our 4 color MAN ALERT Newsletter to pistonfailATaol.com 

If you are in the marine industry and wish to distribute this Newsletter at the upcoming Boat Shows or just to Mail them to your customers, please e-mail me at: pistonfail AT aol.com 

Over 238 MAN engine PISTON FAILURES! So much for German engineering!! The number keeps growing (well over 200 now!). These failures took place in 6,8,10,12 cylinder models at 1000 hours or less!  

for facts, lab reports, interesting and enlightening letters, picture album of my 12 cylinder engine after it exploded violently at 1000 hours with the MAN service representative on board.

Please note, in the last 90 days, I have received over 44,000 hits on my web site. Because of this huge success, I am working on expanding my site. I have dug up an incredible collection of signed documents that I will include on the original letterheads. I promise you some enlightening reading from an interesting cast of characters as well as dozens of testimonials from Man engine owners. The new site will be up and running by or before the upcoming January boat show and will be found at the same address.

For your information, the case in Florida against the German Man Co. is not over yet as Man would lead you to believe. Florida Man did not accept responsibility for my Man engines. They did not make them, they did not sell them to me, therefore they are not responsible in Florida because of privacy laws. But in no way have they addressed the issue of the 200+ failures in America that I have documented. In no way have they addressed the fact that they kept selling these engines telling every one they were the best most efficient, longest lasting engines on the market (10,000-20,000 hours before a refit) when they knew for years they were having piston failures. These issues are still in front of the Florida Court to be decided on a claim of deceptive and unfair trade practices .

We also expect a class action suit to be filed soon in a northern court. We will keep you informed.

BOAT BRANDS THAT HAVE EXPERIENCED PISTON FAILURES Group A (10 to 30 failures each)/ Viking Yachts, Ocean Yachts, Bay Marine, Bertram Yachts, Ricky Scarborough, Hatteras.

Group B (4 to 7 failures each)/ Davis Yachts, Jim Smith, Shore Boat builders, Sunseeker, Berger yachts , Craig Blackwell, Derektor yachts, Sportsman.

Group C ( 1to 3 failures each)/ American Yachts, Antago Yachts, Azimut yachts, B. C. Boats, Bahia, Black Fin, Downeaster, Duffy & Duffy, Fairline Marine, Forbes, G & S Boats, Garlington, Henriques, Heritage, Hi Tech, Leopard, Manely, Merrit, Mikelson, Monteray Yachts, Neptunus, Northcoast, Post, Revenge ,Riva , Starship, Versilcraft.

Several commercial vessels whose manufacturers will not be listed here experienced 26 piston failures between them.

Please send us your experiences with MAN marine diesel engine piston failures:

Sion Elalouf 516-546-6871 FAX   

Tell me, is it true that the new MAN management team has or will be issuing a recall on a number of MAN engines? If so, what reason was given? When? What boat brands does it cover? Your help is appreciated and as you know, I keep my sources confidential.

I am John, ex "Sea Thrift". I came to this site via a "Yachtie" search because several of us today discussed that there should be a yachtie notice board where we could all go for news of friends, help with problems etc. Someone said that such a site should be regionalized. Is this it ??? Regards to friends, from Fethiye.. John
Hi John and all you "Yachties" out there. Yup, it seems that this is it !!! That is the idea, that you can all meet up, pass on information and discuss via these pages. Check out the Crew list too. ...Jayne in Cyprus

FROM: John;"Sea Thrift" OK. I accept that this is THE site for east Med' but let us all put it about, if we all mail 3 or 4 yachts that we know with E mail and ask them to do likewise , we should cover the Med in a day or two. Maybe establish a convention to start each contribution with your boat name ? Oh ,and is that the shortest address you have ? [noticestoyachtiesintheeaste.htm]

I can do a new forum with a shorter address if you like, especially for this. How about calling it the Garboard?
Oh, that is it.....Med chat on the garboard. Find it here. By the way Nick from Storyville says "Hi"


1.Sea Approach:

General approach chart: British Admiralty (B.A) .Ch.183 EAST MED. There are in general three main approaching routes (a) from the Aegean (Rhodes-Paphos apprx.220 Nm or Kastelorizon(Meyisti)-Paphos apprx.154 Nm., (b) from the Suez Canal (Port Said-Limassol approx. 200 Nm) and (c) From the Lebantine coast ( Israel,Tel-Aviv-Larnaca approx. 172 Nm, Lebanon, Jounieh-Larnaca approx. 110 Nm, Syria, Latakia-Larnaca 110 Nm.).

Official Ports of Entry. The following are the Official ports of Entry in the Republic of Cyprus: PAPHOS PORT: (B.A. Chart. 846 & 775) LIMASSOL PORT: (B.A.CH. 846 & 850). LARNACA MARINA & LARNACA PORT: (B.A. 846 & 851).

Night Landfall On an approach from the West (Rhodes, Kastellorizon (Meyisti), Minor Asia, common landfall : CAPE AKAMAS LIGHT: LAT: 35 Deg.05 MIN.15 Sec. Long: 32 Deg. 16 MIN. 55 SEC. WH.GP FL(2) 15 SEC. 17 N.M. If approaching from the South = CAPE GATA LIGHT:34 33.6N, 33 01.4E, Fl.5 sec., 58m, 15NM, If approaching from the East = CAPE KITI LIGHT:34 48.8N, 34 05.0E Fl.(3) 15 sec. 20m, 13NM, CAPE GRECO:34 57.2N, 34 05.0 E , Fl. 15 sec. 16m, 12NM.

2. LARNAKA MARINA (pos=34 55 05N 33 38 29E ) APPROACH Address: The Manager. Larnaca Marina, 6023 Larnaca,CYPRUS. Tel: +357-4-653110 or 653113, Fax: +357-4-624110, e-mail:ctolar@cytanet.com.cy

Extreme caution must be exercised at Cape KITI. (B.A.CH.851) and DADES point (B.A. CH. 851) from very shallow reefs. A safe distance must be kept of at least 1 N.M. from the coast, or should sail at depths no less than 27 metres (90 feet=15 FATHOMS). Yachts passing Cape KITI or Cape GRECO must call "LARNACA MARINA" on CH. 16 and then immediately work on Ch.08 for yacht arrival information at any time. OR CONTACT the Marina VIA HF MARINE SSB Radio through "Cyprus Radio", which is listening on frequencies: 2.182, 4.079, 8.213.6, 12.351, 16.442, 16.466, 16.512, and transmitting on: 2.700, 8.737.5, 13.122.5, 14.564, 17.239, 17.386,. All in MHz.

3. After berthing all persons remain on board as the Marina co-ordinate the "FREE PRATIQUE" procedure. «Clearance» must be expected from the following departments: (i) Customs ), (ii) Immigration and (iii) Marine Police. In some cases (iv) the Health Inspector is also included in the team. Clearance takes approx. 15-30 min. Immediately after, the skipper is responsible to make an official entry with the Marina Authority by completing the particular document supplied by the Marina Bosun.


The Marina is a controlled area with a 2 km security fence and 24 hrs gate control. No one is allowed thoroughfare without a Marina entry permit.


Upon arrival at first opportunity all yacht persons must present two passport size photos for every adult on board. Those are submitted to the Marina Office which issues a «Marina Entry permit», free of charge.


There are no Insurance regulations yet. Owners are however strongly advised to insure their vessel. A fully comprehensive coverage is recommended.


Use charts: Hellenic Hydrographic Service or British Admiralty charts: 183, 2074, 775, 846, 850 and 851 together with the British Admiralty Mediterranean Pilot volume 5.


The Larnaca Marina Navigation light has the following characteristics: Sector light. Red: 105 Deg. to 190 Deg. GP.FL (5) 15 sec 16 NM. Entrance Lights: red and green fixed. Emergency light: wh. Fl. 3 sec. Due to very strong nearby street lighting the Marina light is significantly obscured. By careful observation the light may be distinguished from a distance of approx. 3-4 Nm.

9. BUOYS: There are no buoys at the entrance of the Marina.


Vessels approaching Larnaca Marina from abroad, may use the following Radio Beacons:


NAME POSITION FQCY (kHz) CHARACTERISTICS LARNACA 34.49.16N 33.33.17R 267 L C A AKROTIRI 34.34N 32.58 1/2 E 363 A K ASHKELON 31.39N 34.34 E 245 A K E BEIRUT 33.54N 35.29E 351 B O D PAPHOS 34.43.06N 32.28.42E 328 P H A RHODOS 36.25.10N 28.07.07E 339 R D S FINIKE 36.16.50N 30.09.30E 303.4 F R

CAUTION: STATIONS are AERO beacons. NAVTEX : CYPRUS RADIO: (518 kHz) TIMES: 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 22:00 UTC.

LORAN is not reliable in the area of the East Med. and Cyprus. (SAT NAV TRANSIT SYSTEM): PASSAGE APPRX every 2 hrs.

GPS. The Global Positioning System (U.S.Min.Defence) is operating round the clock with at least 3 satellites at any time. The maximum total error observed in the area may be maximum 200 metres (normal: 40-70 metres). The Marina has a radio direction finding ability for up to 20-50 NM. on most of the Marine VHF Channels including the EPIRB fqcy 151.8 MHz. Vhf-DCS Facility: Will be installed. Not available yet (23-2-1999)


The Marina has an Amateur Maritime Mobile Radio facility. The Call sign is 5B4 MM. Operating: ONLY Upon request the Marina may follow up pre-arranged schedule with amateur maritime mobile stations. Common operation: FQCY (MHz) TIME (GMT) 7.040 08:30 - 09:00 14.313 09:00 - 10:00 21.380 10:00 - 10:15

Issuing an amateur radio license in Cyprus requires lengthy lessons and a pass mark on the final exams on most subjects. Licensed Amateurs from countries with a reciprocal agreement with Cyprus, may apply directly to the Radio Communications officer, Cyprus Ministry of Communications and Works, Nicosia, Cyprus for the radio licence or other related information. VHF radio usage must strictly comply with the Marina and International regulations .


At present (1999) there are two Marinas in Cyprus . Larnaca Marina which is a part of the town of Larnaca and the Saint Raphael Marina (ex.Sheraton Marina) (tel:+357-5-321 100, fax:+357-5-329 208) in Limassol Bay (34 42 34N, 33 10 00E) , next to Moni power station. Berth reservation in both cases is absolutely necessary at least one year in advance due to an extreme demand pressure.


In both Marinas (Larnaca and St Raphael), there are travel lift haul-out facilities. In Limassol (near old port) there are also a number of slipways that can lift vessels above 40 tons. The lifting capacity in Larnaca is 40 t. and in Limassol 60 t. LARNACA MARINA: Price per lift = 2.35 Cyprus pounds per sq.metre (LOA by Max.Beam) (1/4/98 1USD= 0.53 Cy.Pnd)(1 Pound Stg=0.83Cy.Pnd)


The following services are available in Larnaca Marina: water, electricity, 220V 13A and 32 A, 50HZ (3 PHASE BY REQUEST).

A. Toilet/shower amenities B. Steel wood and GRP maintenance C. Chandlery D. Fuelling E. Mail delivery F. Food store and Mini Market G. Banking three min. walk from the Marina H. English and French speaking schools for youth and children. I. The centre of the town and the shopping centre is only five minutes walk from the Marina. J. Larnaca Marina mail reforwarding service etc.


The Larnaca International airport is only 10 minutes by car from the Marina(apprx.4km). There is frequent airport connection by bus and taxi service which are based only 2-3 minutes on foot from the Marina entrance.


all fire arms on board are submitted to the Customs upon arrival. 17. PASSPORT CONTROL : Passports are kept by the Immigration Authorities, which issue Landing Permits.


All expired flares must be submitted immediately for disposal to the Marina Personnel. The actual use of flares in an emergency is governed by the S.O.L.A.S. agreement 1960 (red = danger).


Hyperbaric treatment facilities are very close in the nearby town General hospital. 10 min. by car. ( Double lock recompression chamber installed in late 1997).


At least 3 dentists are within 5 min walking distance from the Marina gate.

21. PETS

It is highly advisable for anyone planning to sail in foreign countries to avoid having pets on board. Yachts planning to visit Cyprus must well in advance inform the Marina or Port Authorities for the existence of a pet on board. Most of the animals must remain on board (under home guaranteen), for 6 months before are allowed to exit the yacht.


At the moment (1999) Larnaca Marina does not yet have a yacht sewage pump-out station. However it is one of our priorities to install all the necessary equipment to service yacht holding tanks. The Marina is already connected with the Larnaca Town tertiary biological treatment system. Yacht owners are very strongly adviced not to use their yacht toilets when living on board but to use only the Marina toilet facilities. As soon as the Marina operates its own yacht sewage pump-out system, yachts without a holding tank will gradually be abolished or shall not be allowed to use the Marina of Larnaca.


Every foreign yacht arrival is registered by the Customs Authority as a «TEMPORARY IMPORTATION OF GOODS,» (C104 form) and granted a period of 12 months free of any taxation. This period may be extended up to a maximum of five years provided an application is prepared for the approval of the Director of Customs every 6 months. This is a comparatively simple procedure, which may be undertaken by the Marina authority provided the yacht owner is abroad or inconvenienced.

As a general rule foreign vessels may stay in the Republic of Cyprus for a cumulative period of 5 years without any taxation imposed. During this period foreign yachts may receive any yacht spare parts, duty free.

After the period of 5 years, vessels wishing to stay longer, must pay the necessary taxation which is approximately 10% of the value of the yacht or be re-exported.


The American Academy (English spoken) of Larnaca is only 15 min. on foot from the Marina. The Academy provides a very high standard of education to the ages of 4 up to 18 preparing students for American (TOEFL etc) and British Universities (G.C.Es).



TEL: 00357-4-653110 00357-4-653113 FAX: 00357-4-624110 TLX: (605) - 4500 CYTMAR e-mail: (1) cto2@cto.org.cy



Provisional reservation does not require any payment. Firm reservations, which are confirmed by the Marina, require a minimum advance payment of 90 days, which is not refundable.


Berthing:- Daily rate= 0.3 Cy.Pnd per metre per day. Yearly rate= 70 Cy.Pnds per metre per yr. (1/4/1998 1 USD=0.53 Cy.Pnd., or 1 Pnd.Stg=0.83 Cy.Pnd.)



Dear Guest,

Welcome to Larnaca Marina!

We are very pleased to have you with us, in the Marina fraternity and would like to pass over to you the following information in an effort to secure a most enjoyable and comfortable stay .

1. Using the callsign "Larnaca Marina", you can call the Marina Office from 07:00 to 20:00 on the VHF CH. 16 and work on CH. 08. Round the clock, (24hrs, outside office hrs) you may call "Marina three" (gate control)_ for any assistance on the same channels. [As a general rule in all parts of the World], At night time, or at any time anything suspicious should be reported to "MARINA THREE" BUT SHOULD NOT BE CONFRONTED with.(or at least avoid)

2. (Hoist yellow flag at 12 NM from shore) Please remain on board until clearance is granted. Clearance is completed after the following AUTHORITIES will check you IN: (i) MARINA ATTENTANT, (ii) MARINE POLICE, (iii) CUSTOMS OFFICER, (iv) IMMIGRATION OFFICER , (v) HEALTH INSPECTOR. If in doubt, before you lower your yellow «Q» flag, please ask the Marina Attendant on VHF. Clearance usually takes 15 min. to half an hour provided you have contacted the Marina prior to your arrival.

3. If you did not reserve a place, it is highly unlikely that you can stay over 15 days, due to an acute supersaturation problem.

4. You have to submit a crew list (including: name, surname, passport number, nationality, date of birth) to each clearing authority. (you need 5 copies).

5. Always complete the various forms in capital letters clearly.

6. Immigration must take your passport and replace it with an official landing permit. WHILST STAYING INSIDE THE MARINA, YOUR PASSPORT MUST AT ALL TIMES BE KEPT BY THE IMMIGRATION. ALWAYS CARRY WITH YOU, YOUR LANDING PERMIT AND MARINA PASS. (This is a legal procedure, presently under serious consideration and it is highly probable to change in a way that passports will be immediately handed over to the owners as soon as the official clearance is completed.).

7. Customs must issue a C 104 form ("temporary importation of goods") upon your arrival, valid for 12 months. Keep it in a safe place. You need it for your departure or for an extension. If you arrive or depart outside office hours (07:30-14:30), on Sundays, or holidays, Customs is the only department which will require , an «overtime fee», to be paid by you. The total amount varies according to the salary scale of the clearing officer. However this amount should not exceed: CY pounds 10 (apprx.20 USD). In order to avoid this unnecessary financial burden you are advised -if possible- to depart and arrive during weekdays and office hours (07:30 - 14:30)

8. As soon as you land, you must , obtain a Marina pass. (i) Submit two passport size photos to the Marina Office, (ii)write in block letters, behind one of the two photos, your name, surname, passp. no., nationality, yacht's name and your profession in CAPITAL. 9. You must leave your pass at the Marina Office before your final departure. ALWAYS CARRY THE MARINA PASS WITH YOU. If you do not have a Marina Pass, you will have difficulties in coming in and out of the Marina.

10. Any visiting guests friends or relatives arriving, must have your own approval, otherwise will not be allowed entry. In such a case, you must inform in writing the Marina gate, or receive them at the gate yourselves. Even so, they shall not be allowed in, if they do not have any identification documents.

11. The Marina has a very strict contract with the , Boat lifting yard. In this case you may not arrange lifting or launching with an outsider, with out the prior approval of the Marina Manager.

12. For any movements, activities, or works in the Marina, please inform the Marina Bosuns - attendants.

13. Please use the Marina Office for any assistance or information you wish to have.

14. Please notify the Marina Office at least 24 hrs prior to your departure.

Nobody steals in Larnaca Marina!. But in extremely rare occasions incidents of permanent "borrowing" have been reported! So please keep your valuables and the yacht itself , locked when not on board. Do not provoke eternal borrowing!

15. Before sailing out of the Marina, no matter how short a period this may be, or whenever you shall leave the yacht alone, or with someone else, please inform the Marina.

16. Always, before sailing out , have a vhf radio test. (at least 16,08,24,26,28).

17. With the slightest complain, or inconvenience, you must come and see us. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE AT ALL.

18. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Any vessel entering the territorial waters of the Republic of Cyprus:, north of THE 35th North parallel, which is temporarily under the Military occupation of the Turkish invading army, is considered as an illegal entrant, as free pratique can not be effected. Illegal entrants are liable to a fine up to 10,000 CY pounds., 6 months imprisonment and shall never again be allowed in to the Republic of Cyprus. Similar measures may be taken against these yachts in most of the Hellenic (Greek) ports. In 1974 the Turkish army invaded the north part of the Island. 2,000 civilians were killed and approx. 2,000 are still missing. 200.000 Cypriots are now refugees from the North. The only practical "defence" Cyprus of the half million can put up against the invasion of Turkey of over 60 millions are: (a) over 36 UN resolutions calling upon Turkey to withdraw, (b) the solidarity of the freedom loving nations and (c) legal measures like the above.

19. If you are fair and straight with us, we shall be twice as fair and straight with you!.

20. You will meet 3 Marina Attendants: MICHAEL, JOHN, and PAMBOS. They shall always be ready to help you. TONY is the Assistant Manager. LUCIA and MYROULA are the office attendants dealing also with communications , MARIA is the accountant and GLAFKOS is the Marina Manager.

21. Please try to see the Marina Manager or Assistant Manager, as soon as you take a rest and you settle down a bit. He will definitely be happy to see you and have a little talk about your possible problems, plans or questions.

22. How about some Hellenic (Greek) words !!!


Anybody with a Formosa 47 please contact baggywrinkleATsuperonline.com  if they can give the propeller size and pitch I would be extremely grateful. Many thanks Martin

Hello: I am trying to locate the new owners of a Joshua40 ( like Bernard Moitissier's Joshua) Last I knew April '99 the boat was berthed in Nelson,South Island, New Zealand. The new owners were selling their previous boat in Rongere, North Island, NZ. These folks are from England and are in the process of a circumnavigation. My name is Christopher Turner and can be reach via e-mail : ChrisailorATHotmail.com  Please anyone with any knowledge of the whereabouts of this boat (previously name SUNDOWNER) let me know. Or, perhaps someone knows of a chat board for the down under region thanks

Hello, I'm looking for PENFRIENDS who deal with sailing. My name is Lea and I am 24 y.o. biology student from Estonia. E-mail  tullusATut.ee 

Looking for info from a yacht "MOBY DICK" build in Ukraine moored i Larnaca marina berth b9 Anny info or story about her is welcome tanks johan email jdl1ATvillage.uunet.be 


Advanced coastal navigation course (free and online) sailingissues.com/courses/navigationcourse0.html

Have fun!!

I came into the Sheraton Marina in the fall of 1987, aboard "Tuiga", the 15 meter class sloop of the late Bernard Remeyse, left for Gocek in the spring aboard the late Joe Burke's ketch"Mermin". I was friends with many unforgettable yachties, and have lost track of them all. Now arrives the latest edition of "Practical Sailor", and there on the cover is "Sunshine", Ian and Theresa's steel ketch, somewhere in Cyprus last month. I'd love to hear from them, and any of the old gang who catches sight of this and remembers the yank artist/shish-kabober of Monagroulli. David Rohn rohnATsover.net 

Hi... I am searching for passengers ever cruised with the Greek yachts "Sunny Cruise","Aegeotissa","Aegeotissa II" kwon as "Aegan LAdy". pls e-mail: egeotissATotenet.gr 


In early September my 40' yacht was put on the hard at Olympic marine in Laurion Greece. I am in the USA and cannot find specific info on V.A.T. Am I exempt from VAT being on the hard or will I have to move my yacht 6 months after entering Greece to avoid the tax. Any info please. ngt-djsATbigsky.net 

Hi everyone, Sailingissues.com is updated with lots of charts, charter resources and unique sailing info on the Greek waters.


Greetings !



I am moving to Limassol in a few weeks and would love to find out about any sailing activities, having lived in Asia for the past 7 years I thought it a good idea to enquire first.

Contact gary_enderbyAThotmail.com 

I have a mold for a 40 ft sailboat and can get all the plans for it. Looking for an experienced boat builder interested in the project, can’t pay much, anyone interested please email me dorosukATyahoo.com 

can anybody tell me wat has become of the dutch "vessel" piscator? sid harmenzon (sharmenzonATprettel.nl) 

A few good weather sites for Eastern Med sailors are: noa.gr/~telefleu/bolam/index.htm



 A decent map of the Aegean which you can zoom in on, is at: un.org/Depts/Cartographic/map/profile/greece.pdf

A Greek-English dictionary is at: users.otenet.gr/~vamvakos/alphabet.htm
or kypros.org/cgi-bin/lexicon

   Hope I didn't bore you all with these! I am a yacht skipper & have bookmarked these over the years. I use them all Quite a lot. I hope they are of use to someone else out there. Safe sailing. Andy:-)

hello, I am looking for a cheap place to store my yacht in the med (Cyprus) any info would be handy. Thank you quirklawrenceAThotmail.com 

we are a calm and experienced couple who are looking for deliveries or captain/engineer and cook/stewardess position on a smallish sailing yacht. But are also willing to take work on bigger boats as engineer and stewardess. We both have good people skills and have a good yachting background. For more information write to: simoncookATairtel.net veronicajohansen_2AThotmail.com  Telephone: 0034 607 11 54 35, 0034 986 35 84 04

Dear sir, my name is Nedeljkovic Predrag . I’m looking a opportunity for employment as a offshore skipper . I’m working as a sailing instructor seven years in Adriatic sea in the Mediterranean skippers club. Like a offshore skipper I have 20.000 Nautical miles. After my nautical technician graduate I started to work like a skipper. Right now I’m the President of M.S.C. and like a charter manager and sailing instructor in sailing school . Behind me I have 10 international Trans Adriatic regattas . I hope you will find that I can be useful for the chartering. If you need some more information’s or something else please contact me at : mscsailingATyahoo.com
Best regards
Mediterranean Skippers Club President Predrag Nedeljković

9 March 2004 09:08UTC Hello, I found this site using Lycos search. I don't see an undated weather picture. Could you either update it, or not display it. Tomorrow 2 friends and I will be sailing the Eastern Med for the week. If you are interested in seeing the "log" of the trip loog in angelfire.com/ga/mogohp later next week (or the week after). Mogo.

hi im nick im from Ireland and im an instructor in sea survival and power boating . i hope to move too Cyprus in the near future and would be interested in setting up a survival center for personnel involved in the boating world .. or i would like to join as an instructor in an existing center .. please contact Nicholas at nickmur98ATyahoo.co.uk thank you

13th Feb 2007

Looking for yatch called NOMAD that sailed from Australia to UK many years ago.
Family name Williams left Sydney in late 60s
Contact Rod.HitchensonATca.com

Ships and vessels for sale and charter, crew, management, scrap, spare parts, sales, lease, purchase, time charter, insurance, cargo and vessel marketplace.  Buy or sell your sailing yacht or motor boat here.  The Maritime - your resource for shipping - buy sell and charter ships and vessels - maritime insurance - crew and much more  Diesel engines for sale and wanted.
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