A Joke !
This year to date (end of 2006/ beginning of
2007 - now 2008 ) we still have not received
the racing calendar. (not unusual) The people who actually do the racing, voted
10/4 in favour of the sensible handicapping system (IRC), whilst those who do
not race offshore yachts, but seem entitled to a vote anyway, voted for the Micky Mouse (ORC) system, so yet again as much as possible has been done to
scupper the seasons racing... Unbelievable.!
In a letter dated 16 May 2005, the President of Cyprus Yachting Association, Mr Panayiotis Kontides, has announced that The Executive Council of CYA has decided to apply the IMS and ORC CLUB as their official rating systems for offshore events.
Measurement of yachts has already started with support from ORC measurer Konstantina Sfakianaki (Greece). An ORC Rating office in Cyprus will be opened shortly.
I think that this situation is ridiculous - those who do the racing do not have
as much say as those who sit around in yacht clubs, drinking and talking about
racing! or those who race optimists and lasers deciding the fate of the offshore
Ah well.,,, the world seems to be the same in all walks of life. And as for the
rating office ! One captain I was talking to forced the lifting 'committee' to put
the boat they were weighing back in the water because 'the experts' were about
to drop her out of the slings. (She was tipped at an angle of almost \ ) Their
experience was such that they didn't realise that a yacht with a long keel needs
different length slings at each end where a fin keel can use 2 the same
length.... he will not be racing this year.
And so, the same problem we have always had - certain
people are more interested in their own aggrandisement than the good of the
sport in Cyprus. That is something Andrew Clunis fought his whole life, he loved
the sport. Sailing was his passion and his love. He built his first boat in
Larnaca aged 10. He loved Larnaca Bay and although he sailed far and wide
including the Atlantic to the US and when sailing from the UK took the old ships route, he thought that Larnaca Bay was the best place in the world for sailing and perfect for racing.
Those who loved the sport of sailing in the big boats will miss him, not only
for the enthusiasm he displayed but also for his sportsmanship. His life was cut
short just as he was about to realise a dream of captaining the first offshore
team sent to an international offshore race.
Clunies Cup

This year we will again not be holding a race in
commemoration of Andrew Ross Clunis.
He was a founder member of Bonatha Yacht Club and was very active in the Cyprus
yachting scene. He won again and again with his yachts - Parang - Water Music -
Brigand of Changi and Witchaway, and on any other yachts that he captained.
His wife wanted to put up a huge solid silver perpetual
challenge cup (and 2 smaller for 2nd and 3rd) to be run on the Channel handicap (the new IRC rules ) of which
Andrew was an ardent supporter. She had hoped it would be held in
October 2002 and met a deadline to import the cups from the UK. When she took them
to the club to discuss the arrangements and the handicap, she was told that she
had to have the race on the Greek system - she said that the race was to be
Channel/IRC. They would not accept (even though Andrew had
previously measured all the boats specifically for this season and on the RORC
website it states that in Cyprus the rep is Philip Psiloinis philip.psiloinis@cyta.com.cy
Larnaca Cyprus Offshore Yacht Club, ) and did not even have
the decency to have a meeting about it. It was too late to organise
anything then, but one year we do want to sponsor the race.
Please all who knew him, or those of you who
would like a good fair race in a wonderful bay (Larnaca ) some when in September
/ October - some year - let us know here
when would be the most convenient for you. We need your support.

Developments 4th September 2008
The Klounis Memorial Cup

I received a phone call today from a sailing man, who had
heard that I did not know anything about the Klounis Memorial
Cup which is to be held on Sunday the 7th September. My first
question, of course, was " Which handicap system will they be
using?" H exclaimed "Well it doesn't matter which system, they
won't let me win, even if I " "win" I interjected,
Well yes, he said. I have had some experience of this state
of affairs, I remember many years ago, a Dutch, or Swiss perhaps
person entered one of the races. Our little group thought the
more the merrier, but we were all totally shocked when, having
won his class by a huge amount, he was disqualified on a
ridiculous technicality. I don't remember what is was exactly,
but I do remember that it was so ridiculous as to be laughable,
something like "being a foreigner and winning the race" and
laugh he did, I remember him exiting through the gates of the
marina, smiling and laughing and saying that he knew in his own
heart that he had won. We all felt terribly embarrassed and I
remember Andrew 'arguing the toss' on his behalf quite
vigorously. The technicality was something that would never have
been brought up had he not won and so taking his money under
false pretences, was the charge of the day, as sportsmanship was
something Andrew felt very strongly about.
He felt almost as strongly about the handicapping system. The
way he described it was thus.
The channel handicap or now the IRC is about 'may the best
man or team win. The ORC is about, may he who cheats the rule
best this year win. The IRC is about sailing your boat,
whatever that boat may be, as it would be fair to someone with a
fat coracle, a family cruising boat or an out and out racer.
Whoever sailed that boat to the optimum on the day would be the
winner. Levelling the playing field is what it should be about.
The ORC on the other hand is an esoteric rule which is
constantly encouraging designers to design winning monsters.
That is why we have keels which fall of, fat un sea kindly lumps
which bounce on the water and reams of people acting as human
ballast rushing from side to side as though they were in a
dinghy scrum.