United States
Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in the United States of America.
2211 R. St. North West,
Washington D.C. 20008-4082
Tel : (001202) 4625772
Fax: (001202) 4836710
Replace AT with @ - on - infoATcyprusembassy.net
Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Canada,
Other spheres include the I.M.F., World Bank, Permanent
observer to the Organisation of American States (OAS) and Permanent
Representative to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (IACO).

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Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Australia
30, Beale Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600, Canberra
Tel : (00612) 62810832, 62810834
Fax: (00612) 62810860
Replace AT with @ - on - cyphicomATbigpond.net.au
The Australian High commissioner is also responsible for Fiji, Indonesia,
New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Republic of Korea
and East Timor.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Austria
20, Parkring, A-1010 Vienna
Tel: (00431) 5130630, 5130631
Fax: (00431) 5130632
Replace AT with @ - on - embassy2ATcyprus.vienna.at
The Austrian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Croatia,
Liechtenstein, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia.
He is also Permanent Representative to the O.S.C.E., Permanent
Representative to the U.N.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Belgium.
1, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 1000
Tel: (00322) 6500610,
Fax: (00322) 6500620
Replace AT with @ - on - ambassade.CyprusATskynet.be
The Belgian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Luxembourg.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Bulgaria
Block 154 A, Flat No.2, Y. Gagarin Street, Iztok, Sofia 1113
Tel: (003592) 9719270, 9712241,
Fax: (003592) 9713770
Replace AT with @ - on - cyembsofATfintech.bg

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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the People’s Republic of China.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the People’s Republic of China.
2–13–2, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Bldg., 14 Liang Ma He Nan Lu,
Chao yang District, Beijing 100600
Tel: (008610) 65325057,
Fax: (008610) 65324244
Replace AT with @ - on - cyembpekATpublic3.bta.net.cn
The Chinese Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Japan, Mongolia,
Pakistan, the Philippines and the Peoples Republic of Korea.

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Czech Republic
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Czech Republic.
9, Pod Hradbami,
16000 Praha 6
Tel: (004202) 24316833, 24319961
Fax: (004202) 24317529
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusembassATmbox.vol.cz

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus Denmark
28 Borgergrade, 1st floor
1300 Copenhagen K
Tel: 45 33915888
Fax: 45 33915877
Replace AT with @ - on - consulateATcyprus-embassy.dk

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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
17, El Amir Omar Tousson Street, Mohandessin, Cairo.
Tel: (00202) 3455967, 3455968
Fax: (00202) 3455969
Replace AT with @ - on - cyembcairo2ATaccess.com.eg
The Egyptian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Sudan, Oman,
Ethiopia, Ghana and Mali.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Finland.
Bulevardi 5A 19, Helsinki 00120
Tel: + 358 9 6962820
Fax: (358) 9 69628230
Replace AT with @ - on - mailATcyprusembassy.fi
The Finish Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Estonia.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in France
23, Rue Galilče, 75116 Paris
Tel: (00331) 47208628
Fax: (00331) 40701344
Replace AT with @ - on - ambrechypreATwanadoo.fr
The French Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Andorra, Morocco,
Tunisia and Senegal.

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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Wallstrasse 27, D-10179 Berlin
Tel: (004930) - 3086830
Fax: (004930) 27591454
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusembassyATt-online.de

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Greece
Irodotou 16, 106 75 Athina (Athens)
Tel: (0030210) 7232727 / 7239377 / 7237883.
Fax: (0030210) 7258886
Replace AT with @ - on - cyempklAThol.gr
The Greek Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Albania, Bulgaria
and Romania.

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Holy See
Embassy of
the Republic of Cyprus to the Holy See
Piaza Farnese, 44, Scala A, Int. 1
00186 Rome
Tel: 39 06 6865758, 6865263
Fax: 39 06 688 03756
Replace AT with @ - on - embcyprusholyseeATtin.it
The Papal Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for the United Nations
Agencies for Food and Agriculture. Organisations include FAO, FAT and WFP.

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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Republic of Hungary
V. Dorottya u.3, III floor,
1051 Budapest
Tel: (00361) 2661330 / 2666045
Fax: (00361) 2660538
Replace AT with @ - on - cypembhuATaxelero.hu
The Hungarian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Moldova .

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Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in India.
106, Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110003
Tel: (009111) 24697503, 24697508
Fax: (009111) 24628828
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusATdel3.vsnl.net.in
The Indian High Commissioner is also responsible for Bangladesh, Brunei,
Darussalam, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Union of Myanmar and Vietnam.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Ireland
71 Lower Leeson Str., Dublin 2
Tel: (003531) 6763060
Fax: (003531) 6763099
Replace AT with @ - on - embassyofcyprusdubATeircom.net

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Israel.
4th Floor, Top Tower,
50 Dizengoff str.,
Dizengoff Centre, 64332 Tel Aviv
Tel: (009723) 5250212,
Fax: (009723) 6290535
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusATnetvision.net.il

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Italy.
15, Via Francesco Denza,
00197 Rome
Tel: (003906) 8088365, 8088367,
Fax: (003906) 8088338
Replace AT with @ - on - emb.romeATflashnet.it
The Italian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Malta, San
Marino and Switzerland.

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Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Kenya.
Eagle House, 5th Floor, Kimathi street, P.O.Box 30739, 00100 Nairobi
Tel: (0025420) 220881
Fax: (0025420) 331232
Replace AT with @ - on - cyphcATnbnet.co.ke
The Kenyan High Commissioner is also responsible for the Seychelles,
Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda and Burundi.
Other organisations include UNEP and UN Centre for Human Settlements.

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Embassy of
the Republic of Cyprus in in Lebanon
MNC Building
Debbas Str., Rmeil-Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel : (009611) 326461, 329500
Fax: (009611) 326471
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusembATperra.net.cy

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Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Great Socialist People’s
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
60 Shara Al Thul, Ben Ashour Area,
P.O.Box 3284, Central Post Office, Tripoli
Tel : (0021821) 3601274, 3600499
Fax: (0021821) 3613516
The Libyan Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Mauritania, The
Gambia, Niger, Chad and Burkina Faso.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Mexico.
370 Sierra Gorda, Lomas De Chapultepec
Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico, C.P. 11000,
Tel: (00525) 52027600 / 52023096
Fax: (00525) 55202693
Replace AT with @ - on - chipreATatt.net.mx
The Mexican Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Bolivia,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Rep., Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama,
Peru, Venezuela, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Kingdom of Netherlands.
15, Surinamestraat,
2585 GG Den Haag
Tel: 0031 70 3466499
Fax: 0031-70-3924024
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusATxs4all.n
The Dutch Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Suriname, Trinidad
and Tobago.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Poland
ul. Pilicka 4, 02-629 Warsaw.
Tel: (004822) 8444577
Fax: (004822) 8442558
Replace AT with @ - on - embassyofcyprusATneostrada.pl

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Portugal
Ave. Da Liberdade 229, 1
1250-142 Libson
Tel : 00351 21 3194180
Fax: 00351 21 3194189
Replace AT with @ - on - chipreATnetcabo.pt
The Portuguese Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Angola, Cape
Verde and Brazil.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Qatar
Saba Street, Saha 12, Bld. No. 3, District 63, Al-Dafna, West Bay,
P.O.Box 24482, Doha, Qatar
Tel: 974 49 33 086
Fax: 974 49 33 087
Replace AT with @ - on - kyprosdohaATqatar.net.qa

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Russian Federation
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Russian Federation
Ul. Povarskaya 9, Moscow
Tel: (007095) 7442944
Fax: (007095) 7442945
Replace AT with @ - on - moscowembassyATmfa.gov.cy
The Russian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Armenia,
Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

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South Africa
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in South Africa
Corner Church and Hill Str., Arcadia 0083 Pretoria, P.O.Box 14554,
Hatfield 0028
Tel : 27 12 3425258
Fax: 27 12 3425596
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusjbATmweb.co.za
The South African Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Zimbabwe,
Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, Madagascar and
the Comoros.

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Spain
(Embajada de la Republica de Chipre)
C/Serrano 23 (2D), 28001 Madrid
Tel : (003491) 5783114, 5783117
Fax: (003491) 5782189
Replace AT with @ - on - embajadachipreATtelefonica.net
The Spanish Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Argentina, Chile
and Uruguay.
WTO (World Tourism Organisation),
IOOC (International Olive Oil Council)

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Embassy of the
Republic of Cyprus in Sweden.
Birger Jarlsgatan 37, 4th floor, P.O.Box 7649, 10394 Stockholm
Tel: (00468) 245008
Fax: (00468) 244518
Replace AT with @ - on - infoATcyprusemb.se
The Swedish Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Iceland, Norway
and Latvia.

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Syrian Arab Republic
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Syrian Arab Republic.
278G, Malek Bin Rabia Str., West Mezzeh
P.O.Box 9269, Damascus
Tel: (0096311) 6130812/3
Fax: (0096311) 6130814
Replace AT with @ - on - cyembdamATcsc-net.org
The Syrian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Jordan and the
Republic of Yemen.

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United Kingdom
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
93, Park Street, London W1K 7ET
Tel : (0044207) 4998272
Fax: (0044207) 4910691, 4912955
Replace AT with @ - on - cyphclondonATdial.pipex.com

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United States
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the United States of America.
2211 R. St. North West,
Washington D.C. 20008-4082
Tel : (001202) 4625772
Fax: (001202) 4836710
Replace AT with @ - on - infoATcyprusembassy.net
The American Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Canada.
I.M.F., World Bank, Permanent observer to the Organisation of American
States (OAS) and Permanent Representative to the International Civil
Aviation Organisation (IACO).

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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Yugoslavia ( Federal Republic of
Serbia and Montenegro
9, Diplomatska Kolonija
11040 Belgrade
Tel : (0038111) 3672725
Fax: (0038111) 3671348
Replace AT with @ - on - cyprusATEUnet.yu
The Yugoslavian Ambassador for Cyprus is also responsible for Algeria.

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