Bike riding and Cycling
in Cyprus

Cyprus is great for bike riding, near the coast a lot of the terrain is flat and you can
drink in the sight of the beautiful blue ocean, further inland you can get away from the
main roads onto the tracks and trails and really see the parts that other holiday makers
rarely see.
If you don't want to bring your own bikes, you can always hire one, as
most resorts have a bike hire shop, just ask around and you will soon be pointed in the
right direction or enquire with the company at the bottom of the page.
Alternatively, if you want an organised bike trek, see for
day and half day trips or for bike hire options.
They do Bike trekking and Mountain Biking Holidays,
and just plain rental
Wherever you choose to ride your bike in Cyprus, please let us know about it.
Two of our readers came over this August, right in the middle of the hottest heat wave
for over 40 years, but it didn't put them off coming again, they took a tour of the
Troodos mountains, stopping at an inn or hostel every evening and their comment was "Cyprus is a great location for a cycling holiday and it won't be long before I
return, hopefully in cooler weather,"