Project log entries are newest at the bottom and all e mail addresses
need to have AT replaced with the " sign to work. This is to stop spammers
trawling the site for addresses. To any spammers out there. 'It isn't
funny - We have to cope with about 8000 a day! That is time spent cleaning
up after you when we could be living - please go away.'
Hi, I am a student at Bristol Uni and need some help finding information on the population data for the Northern occupied territory. It has been easy enough to find info for the
Republic of Cyprus, but as I am comparing the two sides for a uni project I need some more info. help will be much appreciated!! e-mail me at . thank you.

my name is Stefanie and I'm a year nine student at Keilor Downs College i recently had to interview someone who had migrated from a country.
I did a family member who had migrated from Cyprus we have know been asked to do an assignment on that country.
we have to make up eight questions on Cyprus relating as close as possible to migrating so i went to typed in
Cyprus and spoke to an assistance and he/she said that you have a project site so hopefully you will have all the answers for me.
I've just had a browse through your site and it seems that this may be the only site with all the answers.
Yours Faithfully Stefanie

please email me at
if you have any pictures and information on Pafos/Paphos/Cyprus ... email me if you have any
useful website with information plus pictures! please this website is good but not what i am looking for! can you please help me??? if you can email me! NOW PLEASE!!!!!! my homework needs to be handed in
soon! t thank you for your time and a special thank you if you help me in any way possible!
from lozza
Mistress says - For pictures of the Paphos area , see the photos at for info see

I am a university student from Hertfordshire in England and I will be visiting Pathos soon to carry out a research project on the effect on architecture of the various civilisations that have, over the past, colonised the island, such as the Ottoman empire, Byzantine, English etc. I am wondering if anyone could provide me with any relevant data for Pathos. I would be very grateful if people could contact me if they know of any regions which characterise these civilisations in the Pathos region. My email is:
Just a quick note to say that your first job will be to name the
place correctly, Pafos or Paphos will do, but Pathos (a VERY common
mistake) is actually defined thus in Wikipedia;
'Pathos is often associated with emotions, but it is more
complex than simply emotions. A better equivalent might be
appeal to the audience's sympathies and imagination. An appeal
to pathos causes an audience not just to respond emotionally but
to identify with the writer's point of view - to feel what the
writer feels. In this sense, pathos evokes a meaning implicit in
the verb 'to suffer' - to feel pain imaginatively. Perhaps the
most common way of conveying a pathetic appeal is through
narrative or story, which can turn the abstractions of logic
into something palpable and present. The values, beliefs, and
understandings of the writer are implicit in the story and
conveyed imaginatively to the reader. Pathos thus refers to both
the emotional and the imaginative impact of the message on an
audience, the power with which the writer's message moves the
audience to decision or action.'

I am British guy thoroughly taken with Cyprus and all the history surrounding it. I study the history as a personal thing and am following the progress of entry to the EU.
As a side issue, I am a musician and will be travelling to Limassol for the St.Patricks

We are getting married in Paphos in July and we are taking a laptop to send emails. We have not
travelled to Cyprus before and are the phone connections the same as UK.
Please do we have to supply proof that we are both divorced but free to marry.
Mistress' comments :
yup phone connections are the same - yes you do need to provide proof.
See for all
the rules.

In the event of a united Cyprus, how do you think both sides, Greek and Turks will get on? Given the years of propaganda by both sides.
Me Selwyn Jones High School, UK
Mistress' comments :
We are optimistic that the kids of both sides will put aside what they have
been taught, and understand that it was all part of the game. (By the way - a
proper gander - would be a real male goose - I presume you mean propaganda -
although a real male goose may be a better way of explaining that particular
concept (:o))

Hi, I am 10 years old and in the fifth grade form Sydney, Australia. My grandparents are from
Cyprus. I have been asked to do a project on 5 celebrations of Cyprus of about one page each. I have had difficulties in finding
information. Please help with useful websites.
Regards H.T
PS I love Cyprus!
Mistress' comments : Well,
the most important celebration in Cyprus is Easter, followed by the New Year
possibly, then we have name days, which are the names of the saints, Green
Monday, or clean Monday, which is the start of lent,
Greek Independence Day on the 25th March and Cyprus Independence Day on the 1st
October. That should give you something to work on - to see more have a look at

im looking for when this country was founded, the 3 larges cities and the population, and an important land mark and why its important. im from avonlake ohio
Mistress' comments : Well,
the first time it was 'founded' was about 7000 years ago, according to current
evidence, however you possibly mean when it last gained independence, that was
only about 50 years ago on the 15th December 1959 - it is however celebrated on
the 1st of October. The three largest cities are the capital, Nicosia,
Limassol and probably Larnaca or Paphos. I would say Larnaca, but cannot be sure
as they have both grown considerably in the last few years. For an important
landmark, check out the town sections in this site and pick one.

i don't think this page is good. it should have list of projects for a student to do that are at a easy level
Mistress' comments : The
idea was not that we do the work for you, it was that you could put down what
you need to know and we would try to make it easier for you to find throughout
the site in the relevant places. If we do it for you how do you learn?

I want information about sports and I cant find any can you give me information like pictures and stuff
Mistress' comments :
Try the sports page !

pretty good stuff, but it didn't have anything bout the religions!
Mistress' comments : Good
point. Well the Greek Cypriots are Greek Orthodox Christian. The Latins are
mainly Catholic, the Turkish Cypriots are mostly Muslim, Maronites tend to
be Maronite, the British are mostly
Anglican, the rest are split between Jehovah's witnesses and bush baptist. Then
there are the ones who are not religious at all.

Dear friends! thanks for your work- the most stylish site i have ever seen...
Your country ... been there 3 times last year..... nothing compares to it.... Best wishes...

Thanks for the info we are looking at moving to Cyprus in the next year and
would like as much info as possible, also my youngest son is do his school
project on Cyprus. You can contact me on
Any information will gratefully received

good job!

I moved here (Cyprus) on march 15th 2004 with my husband who is in the army and trutherly ive been home twice already its just to hot for me, very expensive no transport apart from taxis which
don't come cheap, i want to start my driving lessons but because its so expensive we can never afford it, so it would be a much better place if they made more pathways and had more transport like buses, yes they have a couple of buses but u could be waiting for hours. to come here as a holiday is great
friendly people and pataras is beautiful especially fig tree bay, also if u drive and smoke then move here u will benefit from it then.
vicki xx

Hi, i am Chloe derby and i come from market
Harborough-Little Bowden Primary School
and i am doing my yr 6 project on Cyprus because it is an interesting place and i have been there on holiday so it will be easy for me to do my
project on this. this is a good website and very useful for my needs

Hello, I'm looking for information on how to book a motorcycle test in Cyprus. I know it can be done when you are in Cyprus as I knew a few guys in the RAF who did it when we were on detachment. I'm looking to take my sister and brother-in-law to Cyprus (can't believe they've never been!!) so he can pass his test. If you have any info can you please mail me Thanks

Hi, i visited north Cyprus with my family last year and this year we have decided to see what the south has to offer, however i am slightly worried. I have heard rumours that as we have stamps in our passport from the north they will not let us into the south. Is this true or is this just a rumour after all!
Thanks a lot
Mistress' comments : If you
ask, they will stamp a piece of paper instead of your passport, that is if you
go across from this side to the other. If you fly into the North and then try to
cross I do not know the situation, except that most people do it the other way
round, which leads me to believe it is a problem.

I am doing an island project and im doing it about
Cyprus i am from plympton, Plymouth, England
and my school is called yealmpstone farm primary school. My name is SAVANNA and i am nearly 10

Does anyone know the distance between marlita beach hotel and Louis nausicca beach
resort in Protaras. ie walking distance, taxi required. Anyone any ideas on what the hotels are like. Our holiday brochure says marlita beach is quite near to

This is Daniel Cassar from Malta. I attend De La Salle College, and am doing
an assignment on Cyprus and need to have information about Cyprus's natural
features and a pictures and also about your country's typical dress or national
costume and a picture too. Is it possible to send me the relative information
and pictures to me
Thank you so much.
Mistress' comments : Here is
a national dress of Cyprus photograph for you. Note that the man is wearing what
looks like trousers, however they are in fact a long piece of material worn in a
way that makes them look like trousers called vrachas (pronounced vrachkas).
Click the picture to enlarge it.

Hello, I am a student from St. Rose of Lima CAtholic School and I am
doing a Report on Cyprus.

Please put the important fruits and crops help!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, the most famous Cyprus crop is the potato. Cyprus potatoes are
prized the world over. They grow mainly in the agricultural area near
Ayia Napa, Paralimni and Larnaca where the red soil is perfect.
Then there is citrus fruit. Cyprus grows wonderful oranges, lemons
and grapefruit. Actually Cyprus seems to be able to grow anything it puts
its mind to. Bananas are a recent point in question. They were planted
in the Paphos area about 10 - 15 years ago and now you would think they
have always been there.
Then there are grapes, olives, carob, almonds, apples, cherries,
Alfa Alfa, and a variety of vegetables and fruit to keep your
all year. See Cypriot food for some pics
of vegetables and some local food explanations

Money. Cyprus Pounds are no longer. Cyprus now uses Euros.
Since January 1st 2008 in fact, so we thank you for pointing that
out. See the Banking page

my name is Darryl Scott i am 11 years old i go to kings oak primary
school in Scotland i am writing a project on Cyprus and i find most
interesting i think myself and mum and dad are going to Cyprus on our
holidays this year i think its September i thank you very much for the
information Darryl Scott xx
It's a pleasure Darryl, thanks for the thanks :)

Hi, I'm from Australia and doing my year 7 project on Cyprus.
Does any-one know what the national sport is????
Good question. After quite a bit of pondering we have decided it is a
toss up between football and hunting.

Hi, I'm doing a commonwealth countries project and one of my
countries is Cyprus. [even though it's independent]
I'm having trouble finding native animals and imports.
See Animals here - the Mouflon is probably the
best known Cyprus species. As for imports, most things that everyone
else imports I suppose, plenty of 'stuff.'

hello, I'm a student from Malaysia. I'm doing a research on Cyprus's
climates, musical instruments and traditional clothes. this research
that I've been doing is for my subject presentation where my group going
to make an exhibition base on your country. i need the
Hi, this can all be found by reading the site - see
Weather here - the national dress of Cyprus is
shown above and the bouzouki and violin are both used extensively in
local music.

Hi, As part of their project for their world badge, I'm trying to
find a traditional game from Cyprus that my Brownie pack can learn and
play as a group or groups (24 girls). I can only find marbles and
throwing a long/short stick. Can you suggest a more suitable one - with
instructions and word translation - if it has a rhyme or words?
Many Thanks
Brown Owl from Liverpool, UK.
Dear Brown Owl - The best I can currently suggest is Tavli - played
in all the coffee shops, otherwise known as backgammon. There are
however 2 forms of the game popular in Cyprus, (there are many variants the world over) the ' ladies game' and the men's game'. The
ladies version is the traditional game found in most game shops. The
men's version begins with all the pieces off the board, a and instead of blocking your opponent by throwing them back to the beginning, this version sees you trap single
pieces on the board until you need to move off them. You will find all of the various games on the net.
another possibility would be the card game
Bastra or
Pilotta - both
popular in Cyprus..
Good luck and happy playing.

My name is Lily, I am 8 years old. I am from Liverpool, England. I
am currently doing a project in school on Cyprus and it's plant life.
Any information would be a huge help. I love Cyprus. Me and my family
are due to visit again in August.