Water and Ambulances

I needed an ambulance, so out of breath and unable to drive after my exertions of
trying to move a large van from a boys leg (they say you get superhuman strength in those
situations, unfortunately I didn't) I ran to the phone and dialled 199.
When it was answered I said (as much as I could manage) "Ambulance, now" and
the address.
The man on the other end said "You have to phone another number for an
I quickly dialled the number........it was a fax machine.
I phoned back..........he gave me the right number 630300
I dialled it........they put me through to another department
(by now I was totally astounded by this absurd surrealist situation!)
I quickly explained that I needed an ambulance NOW........Then began the "whats
your number, name , address "saga
I had my breath and some strength back by now and rudely said
"Don't worry it'll be quicker to get a taxi"
Then I drove the boy to the hospital.
His leg had been crushed and he was in a good deal of pain,
It was almost an hour later ( after asking repeatedly if he couldn't have a pain killer,
but he couldn't until after the x-rays ) when I asked a doctor if there was a drug
dealer in the hospital, or if I had to go to town to buy some heroin or
strong enough pain killer.
Aspirin was then forthcoming.
Do find out the number of your local hospital......if you need an ambulance in a hurry,
you will save time by knowing it........anger is useful at the right time, but that time
is not when you are looking at a loved one spread across the highway or in the throes of a
heart attack ........and don't forget to take some aspirins or pain killers with you.

Water is scarce in this part of the world, and yet you GIVE water to those in need of
it. It is an ancient custom and the only civilised way to behave.
On Friday...I unfortunately had to take my children to a birthday party at Mc Donald's
in Larnaca.
When my 4 year old had stuffed himself with chicken nuggets and 7 up, he came and asked
me for a drink of water.
I asked the waitress ...
"I will bring you a bottle" she said
"No thanks "I replied, just a cup of tap water
"We don't do tap water" she answered" It's not fit to drink"
(Now I realize the full irony of this coming from a place I haven't
frequented in at least 10 years.)
"Why ! where do you get your tap water from ? Isn't it the same municipal tap water
that we all drink every day?" said I
"We don't do tap water" she answered"
Any way the long and short of it is, that in our stupidity, we stand for things like
this.......the thin end of the wedge.........soon, instead of campaigning to clean up our
polluted air, places will start charging to breath their ionised, filtered happified
variety, while you eat your "healthy happy meal"....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
The water is not fit to drink ! Funny that, I won't let my kids eat hamburgers.
We live and learn. It seems none of the water is fit to drink!